Morning folks. I want to call this
audio test lies and deceit. I think one of the most. I don't want to
call it an attribute. But one of the largest problems the human race has
is the ability to lie to others, to create deceit amongst one another. We can look at somebody straight in the eyes and lie to them. Can you
imagine what a world would be if we knew and others were lying, or we
never had the ability to lie, wouldn't we be much, much better off think
the world would be in, where we always had to tell the truth, or if we
didn't tell the truth. Others would know for sure whether or not we were
Why lie, or the whole idea behind lying is to get something your way to
keep your control over others. There's a heart of it to make you feel
better, but it's mostly control. It's all about control. If I lie I get
control over others, they will follow me thinking I'm telling them the
And our society is terrible. Look at the garbage you hear in the
mainstream media today. Politicians lying bankers lying heads of state
lying, etc etc It goes on and on and on. And what is all this research
they're doing today about finding out lies.
I mean when your elected officials lie to you. Time after time when they
lie to you in a flagrant lie that you know is not true, but yet they
still maintain that lie. Could you imagine what this world would be if
we couldn't lie, or at least if we had the ability to tell if someone
was lying there would be no courts. Because what is the court to find
out who's telling the truth.
Our biggest Achilles heel. As a human race is the ability to lie. I
think that's a problem. Let's look at it in a different perspective. I
mean, We know everyone lies and the line is condemned.
It's even condoned so much. There is a, probably the number one reality
TV show. And I'm not going to name it. Okay, it's all about people on an
island. Okay. And the whole idea behind the show is who is the better
liar. Who can look at somebody in the face and create deceit lie to them
the best, the best liar wins the prize. So what does that tell society,
what does that tell youngsters, what does that tell us. Lying is good.
And the better liar, you are the farther, you're going to get in this
So here we go. Here's that continuous wheel of lying and deceit. And I'm
going to get farther and I'm going to have more than others. And I'm
going to control them. I mean it's everywhere, folks. It's sad.
It's sad now. Am I the perfect Angel and if I ever told the lie. Absolutely.
Although at this stage of my life. I'm trying to clean that up, because I
realized how wrong it really is. I hope you came to. Did you only
imagine how good the world would be if people could not lie.
We would be soul, less dysfunctional. If we couldn't. In other words, if
we could read people's minds. We know, then you're lying to me.
It doesn't feel good to be lied to. It doesn't feel good being the liar.
Because it's wrong when you lie to somebody and you get that ache in
your gut, or your heart, your heart's telling you. You shouldn't be
doing this, but yet you continue to do it why to gain control over
somebody else and that's all there is to it, folks.
To gain control over somebody else. Turn your TV on. You'll see 99.9%
lies. Watch it. Open your eyes. That's really all I have to say about
this. Look at the shows how they propagate lying. That makes you when
you're going to be the big winner we're all going to celebrate your
winnings because you were the best liar. Come on.
That's not what life's about folks, because I'm going to stop talking now.
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