Yeah, it's a cold crisp morning. And I want to put this audio podcast out. And I want to call it excuse me, you've been played. Excuse me.
the reason I say you've been played and that we've been played is
because I learned about this quite a while ago and knew this was the
truth. So I guess I don't quite fit into that category right now, but
the majority of people do, that's why it's gonna be called you've been
played. This is about the current situation that's going on around the
world and what's happening.
we need to understand or what you need to understand is that let's just
take this conflict in the Middle East just as one example of hundreds
that are going on around the world. But that's the one that the
mainstream media is focusing on right now because they want you to look
over here and forget about what's happening over here. But we all
understand there's that 1% that controls the world with all their money
that we call them the Cabal, if you don't know what that is, at this
point in time. Boy, you got a lot of research and you can still catch up
but if you're still in the dark, you don't understand what the cabal
I don't see I feel sorry for you, but I digress.
going on? And what's always been going on, is a cabal runs both sides
of this narrative or the story. The cabal is both Hamas the cabal is
both Israel and the cabal is both Iran. The cabal is even United States
to some point to a lot of points.
run on both sides of the story. They live on conflict. They live on
suffering, they live on death. They live on disparity deliver hurt, they
live on hate, and that's what they create by owning both sides of the
narrative and keeping us the people in the middle hating and fighting
and arguing amongst ourselves.
the puppeteer and they're playing both sides, believe me. Both sides
are equally controlled by the Cabal. And we're just stuck in the middle
of the vise right where they want us doing right what they want. us to
do, and that is hate.
This of course needs to stop. It can't continue the way it is.
have to stop hating we have to stop allowing ourselves to be controlled
by the same hand. They're into everything all the hate and disgust in
the world is ultimately been created by them. And we have ultimately
been stuck in the middle unless you're one of the awakened ones and you
realize what's going on here, hence the name you've been sold out and
that you know not myself included, because I do understand what's going
on here. I don't take sides. I'm not in either side. They're both evil.
They're both demonic. They're both satanic. And we're just a poor soul
stuck in the middle where we're allowing ourselves to be controlled or
we're allowing our purse strings to be pulled and them to control us by
terminology, by photos by the mainstream media, all of it. Everything
they do is elicit a negative response from us and that's what the
majority of people are doing today. They're not sitting back and
realizing we're being played because you are being played like a
puppeteer and a master musician. People you need to stop you need to
wake up to what's going on. You need to understand you're just caught in
the middle and your heartstrings are being used to create hate.
vengeance and everything they feed and live on. Because that's what
they want from you and if you do it, you're just doing exactly what
you've been told to do. Whether it's directly or indirectly.
Unconsciously whatever it is, you're doing just what they want you to
do. You're creating the results that exactly they want.
we need to stop this people. We need to stop pro this against that and
against this and Perl that we need to stop this and realize both sides
are evil, and it's all evil.
you're just in the middle, but you're not using what you've been given
was just the right to discern. You're disallowing facts, fax. And of
course, the worst one is the media giving you what they want you to
hear. Not what was really going on. So there you go. That's what this
podcast is about people. Hey, if you can donate I would love it. There's
no like and subscribe to my channel. It's just a Pay Pal donation.
Whatever you can do would be great for me to keep making these podcasts,
but people wake the f up. Thank you
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