Hello, folks. How are you today? I hope all is good. I want to call
this podcast and we'll talk about Halloween since it is that time of
year and how it can be bad,
numerous reasons, but let's talk about a few of them. So what do you do on Halloween? Let's think about it well,
dress up as whatever. So you can act and do things with no
repercussions because no one knows probably who you are. Especially if
you have a mask on your face. Hmm. So you can do things to people that
you wouldn't do normally because your anonymity is maintained you're
anonymous. So it can trick people in doing things that are not so nice
to one another. You teach bad habits to little kids. Trick or treat you
see? We're gonna trick you. If you don't do something for me. So it's
just starting off in the wrong foot. As a young child, you're teaching
them to you're teaching them bad habits that they can get away with
things if no one knows who you are. You can do things to other people
and not get caught. But the real reason and probably the worst part of
Halloween number one is it's pushed everywhere, okay? It's been accepted
by society, and it's pushed everywhere. But the real reason is when you
put and you semi worship, death and blood and guts and gore, etc, etc.
ie the costings. You're wearing, what you're putting on yourself. You're
opening the doors to the astral McGregor's. You're asking the evil
ones. The evil McGregor's to come in and be part of your life. And
that's what you're doing like when you use a Ouija board shouldn't do
that. But you're opening the door saying come on into my life and these
evil McGregor's will be happy to come into your life if you do that. But
when you are in Halloween or when you're, you're dressed at Halloween
as a devil. Let's say you're opening the door for evil to come into your
life to attach themselves to you to live off of your lifeblood. And
it's accepted in the United States. It's actually it's even got its own
day. Sure, they promoted sure they want you to go down that path because
that's what they want. Because I understand that controllers are evil.
They are Satanic and Halloween being celebrated as it is. is opening the
door to evil Gregers evil entities to come into your life just by
putting a costume on that know what's right words. I'm putting a costume
on that attracts them. Okay? It's like going into a graveyard and they
they're some beings that are there that may follow you out. If you don't
stop and say no. But to with Halloween. It's in hate to use term evil
holiday. Why is it a holiday? Death Gore blood guts. That's why it's a
holiday. That's what those evil beings want. And when you dress up and
mimic them, you're basically saying come into my life. I opened the door
for you and you don't want this no one wants those. Okay, there's
enough Dwayne is no one needs. No one wants these evil, a Greggers in
their life. So I don't think Halloween is such a good thing. I see
nothing but bad things happening to good people who don't know any
different. There's the key. bad things happening to good people who
don't know any difference. They've been born and raised with Halloween
their whole life. They think it's just fun and games. But they don't
realize it's not just fun and games. It was set up and created for a
reason. And you dressing up as whatever are agreeing to that reason that
you are opening the door to bad bad entities that you may never get rid
of. So my suggestion is, don't celebrate it. Don't mock it. Don't be
you know, look at it. Just let it be. I saw last night a woman dressed
up like the devil. And I just wanted to walk over to her and tell her.
Do you know what you're doing? Well, I'm mystified I didn't she probably
would have said, Well, I'm just having fun. Now you're not. You might
be having fun. But you're also inviting some really, really bad Auntie's
into your life by dressing like that. So Halloween. I think it's bad.
Enough said talk to you later. Bye bye.
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