Hello folks, hope you're all doing well. I was walking today and I
thought of this perfect podcast that I should put on my website. And
this can be called I dance to my own drummer and like to explain that
because I think it's an important philosophy that well all people if not
many, but all people should become accustomed to it. What I mean about
that is I want to put I want you to put your all your your judgments
aside and listen to what I have to say. I'm a kind of a guy, as I got
older my life and finally at my age now in front of the last 1015 years.
I dance to my own Burma and what I mean about that is I do my own thing
irregardless of what anybody thinks or says or believes. I do what I
want to do. I do what makes me happy now, I know what I'm gonna say a
lot. One of the first words that are going to come to your mind is going
to be selfish, and I hate that word. I hate that word. As a matter of
fact, I thought I did a podcast on the word selfish does not exist.
Okay, what is wrong with a person wanting to take care of themselves and
not everyone else around them? Is that being selfish? We've been taught
our whole life, will you if you don't do it for everybody, you're being
selfish. And we've been guilted into believing that we need to do
everything, not just for us, but for everybody around us. Otherwise,
we'll be labeled as being selfish. My gosh, if you No, I'm not saying
don't share. I'm not saying that at all. But there comes a point in time
when you gotta dance to your own drummer. Stop doing things that the
majority are doing, ie wearing clothes, ie listening to this music, ie
saying this blah, blah, blah, stop. Take care of you. Stop worrying
about what others think about you because it's really irrelevant and you
gotta get to a point where you just don't give a shit what they say, or
what they think. Like, think whatever you want, because I don't give a
damn. I'm here to take care of me. I'm dancing to my own drummer. I'm
not wearing the same clothes that Taylor Swift or somebody else's
wearing. TV. I'm wearing what I'm comfortable with whether you like it
or not. Again, I don't care if you like it. Don't even waste your breath
telling me you don't. Because I don't care. I'm dancing to my own
drummer, and more people in this world. need to learn to do that. Get
away from what they call status quo. I don't belong to your status quo.
I'm not part of your status quo. I'm not your little sheep. I'm not the
your hamster running in a wheel anymore. i Yeah, I did that. Sure. I was
guilty of it. And one of the hardest things I've had to get over is you
know, I like being liked. And if people don't like me, it bothers me.
But I don't really care anymore. You know, I haven't cared for years. If
you like me you do. If you don't, you don't I don't care. It's
irrelevant. I dance to my own drummer, and I challenge each and every
one of you out there listening to this dance to your drummer. Figure out
who you are. Do what makes you happy. Don't let people outside guilt
you with that selfish word. I know what hurts. I know it hurts. It's
hurting me my whole life. I know it hurts. But get past that. Get past
that hurt. That hurt comes from you. Make Believe it hurts. You know
that word when they say you're selfish does. It's up to you to figure
out what that word means. You're the one that Canada uses that word. So
you're the one making yourself feel bad. The word itself has conveys no
meaning. The meaning has to go into your brain and be processed. And
then you say, Well, I was a bad person and I don't want to be a bad
person. Okay? It's not the key. It's you making yourself feel that way.
So when they throw out the word Oh, you're being selfish, man. Fine.
Okay. But I'm taking care of me. I'm dancing to my own drummer. And more
people in this world have to do that. We got to stop being this. This
this conglomerate of everybody does the same thing. Everybody says the
same. thing. Everybody wears the same kind of clothes, everybody likes
the same kind of music etc, etc. To I'm dancing to my own drummer, I'm
doing my own thing whether anyone likes it or not. So I challenge you
all to try doing it and you're gonna get pushback. But remember when
words come your way they have no meaning as they come your way. The only
time words have meaning are for what you make it into what you decipher
that ass. So they can say all the words they want and they mean nothing
until you put it in your brain and you start deciphering and saying
well this is what it means. Don't worry about that. dance to your own
drummer, period.
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