Image courtesy goingslo
Once again, good morning, folks. I hope everything is going well for
you. Your life is unfolding. And you're beginning to understand the
perspective we've lived and where we live. This podcast is going to be
called we live in a scarcity paradigm. And I want everybody to really
think about this because it's actually the truth of what's going on. The
world we live in, has been contrived it has been created, it has been
manipulated, and has been designed to put us exactly where we are today
and how we are today. And that is a I'll use the term again, a scarcity
paradigm. And what I mean is, we've been put into a world where we
believe and there's the key, we believe we've been taught to believe,
since we're a child, that everything in this world runs out or can run
out. Okay, look at what's going on today. They're talking about global
warming. Okay, so our environments going to be destroyed by melting
frickin glaciers and cow farts. Okay, but that in turn, goes to a food
shortage. They want us to believe there's not enough food to support the
8 billion people on this planet. That's what they want us to believe.
They want us to believe there's not enough fuel, let's say call it oil.
To maintain this planet, it's going to run out. That's what they want us
to believe. They want us to believe that the world is full of viruses
and are only going to get worse. In other words, they also want us to
believe you don't have enough money. You don't have enough housing. You
don't have enough because everything you think you have is gonna run out
someday. Well, folks, I'm here to say that is a bold face lie. In the
real world, we live in a world of abundance, where nothing ever will run
out ever. But you see if everyone understood that, then the controllers
that run you know that the the, the energy industry, or the medical
industry will be out of a job. They'd be losing money. We wouldn't be
running like chickens with their heads cut off, stockpiling toilet paper
because it's going to run out. There, this is how they get us. This is
how they've gotten us our entire life. We're all taught from the time
we're in first grade, that we live in a world a schema of scarcity, but
we don't folks and this is part of understanding we there is nothing
that is going to run out in this world where we're going to run out of
on this world. Okay, nothing. Sure. They go and I talk about day and 1%
that Cabal, they go out and they buy up farmland so like in the solidify
their statements, that food is running out. They buy up farmland they
produce less or the via farmland. They produce nothing. So they're
trying to solidify what they told you. There's a food shortage coming
folks. Will yeah you will 90% of the farms and you're not producing
anything. What do you think is gonna happen? See, we told you there's a
food shortage. No, there's not. There's always an ulterior motive.
There's always somebody scheming in the back door to make these things
happen. Try to make these things happen. Cut down on oil production. Oh,
there's a fuel shortage. No, there's not you just cut back on oil
production because you own 99.9% of the oil fields. You see how this
works people and this is where they watch they want you they want you
jumping from like a cat in a hot tin roof from one thing to another,
never stopping understanding what's really going on in this world. We do
not nor have we ever lived in a world of scarcity that wasn't a man
made scarcity. If everything was open housing shortage, there isn't good
one. You know how many billions and billions and billions of forest
acres are owned by our own government alone, that can house billions and
billions of people it's everywhere. But yet they want you to believe
housing is scarce. We're running out of places to live. We're not we
never have. So use your mind and start looking at this prison that they
put you in and it's all because of their words, and of course with their
dirty deeds that they've also done. This is what they want you to
believe. This is the paradigm they want you to live and they reinforce
it by buying land, blah, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Don't go
down that road. Don't go there. Understand. We do not live in a world of
scarcity. We never have in reality. It's always been there. It will
never run out. We take care of it and don't destroy it. It will never
run out. So once again, don't believe what you've been told. Okay, we
live in a world of abundance we always have and we always will. And we
can again, we just need to get rid of these villains. These creeps.
These evil people that are buying up farm lands and doing things like
that. They need to go and they're gonna go there time is coming. Thank
you people enjoy it.