
Russia is Not our Enemy Artist name
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Hello, folks, I hope all is doing well with you. And you are fine today. I want to call this podcast. Russia is our friend, Russia is our ally. Russia is good. And I want to preface it with this. I want you all to stop. Stop with your knee jerk reactions. Stop with thinking oh my god, he's out of his mind. stop reacting immediately to something you've been programmed to react to. We've all been programmed since we were little kids and I remember this that rushes the big bad bullying in the crowd. That's how we've been raised our entire life, through the media, through school, through everything and the government just exemplifies that by adding more and more garbage and bullshit in there. So open your mind. Stop with the knee jerk reaction thinking this guy's nuts. This guy is a communist. No, don't even go there. Stop and look at if the facts that are in front of you. And don't allow knee jerk reactions to taint your world of questions and answers, because too often it does. And I know that so let's get into the meat of the subject. Why Russia is good. Russia number one saved our ass in World War Two. Let's not forget that. They saved our ass in World War Two. While we were busy shooting at the Japs, mostly Japanese, okay. They took them out in Berlin and got got to him. So they saved our ass but let's let's get into more of today's math methodology and what's happening in today's market. Let's look at Ukraine. What was Ukraine? You're not gonna hear about this in the mainstream media. But Ukraine was a bio weapons facility. Just like China. We know what China did. Hey, this is my website. So I can say it. China made COVID-19 and put it out there. Okay. What Ukraine biolabs are doing right now on the Russian border. We're making the same kind of virus that targeted Slavic people. Ie Russians. Now, if the United States had something like that on its border, well, let me let me paraphrase. Would they do anything about it? With this presidency with with this with who's in charge right now? No. But in the years past Yes. And Russia did that. Just that they went in and took all those Bio Labs wherever they were hidden. Here. Some of them were hidden under nuclear power plants, so they couldn't be bombed. Can you blame them for doing just that? No. You can't. Russia is fighting the Cabal, where we're not at least not overtly. We don't see it happening. We'll never be told it's happening. The media will always lie to us. They're fighting the Cabal. So they're the good guys people right now. No matter what you read, and no matter what you heard, or what you believe, okay, Putin just put a price tag and Klaus Schwab said, Good for him. Somebody should take these people out. I'm not advocating killing anyone. But somebody should take these people out the George Soros has all these evil entities that are pulling the strings of the puppet in Washington DC called politicians. They should have a price on their head because they are evil. So, you know, people you got to look at this as an open mind. Russia is not the bad guy here. They'd never been the bad guy. No matter what politics and news media tries to make you believe. Don't fall trap to it. Don't become their prey. Think for yourself. This is an open thinking we've always talked about on my site. Open your mind, stop reacting immediately. When somebody says something. If you react immediately to it, you're not thinking about it. You are allowing your emotions to run your mouth and your thoughts. You're allowing what you've been told your whole life excuse me to read your thoughts. You're not sitting there practically weighing the facts on both sides. You're creating an opinion before the sentence is even over. Stop with that. And this is a good place to start. Russia is not our enemy. Russia is the one that's fighting the Cabal overtly right now. And I, I support them 100% Because I know what they're doing. I don't support our government. Because I know what they're doing. Just the opposite. So think first people stop reacting. Oh, well, I can mention this to somebody in the first Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, ze n n told me ABC Tough shit what they said, because it's all propaganda lies. Usually what's between your ears. And I've said it a lot in this website. Use your discernment. Think before you react. With that. I'm gonna say Namaste. Have a good day.