Hello folks I hope all is going well with you and that you are
healthy and having a good new year. This is what I don't know if I'm
going to put on the website or not. I have mixed emotions about it just
because honestly there's not enough data to talk about but yet there is.
So this skip the shenanigans and just get right into it. This one's
going to be called excess deaths in the world, younger people typically I
think they the age is 25 to 50 and 51 to 64 the upper end of it not the
real young and not the real old excess deaths. Boom. About 90% of them
are heart related. If you look at the graphs, this didn't happen last
time to this scale. I believe back in the 1900s Sometime I'm a long time
ago, okay. Long, long time ago. And all of a sudden it's happening.
Now. You got to ask yourself why? And as a person I hope you are the has
an awakened open mind. I hope you can put two and two together here
because it's blatantly obvious. Although the mainstream media will ever
tell you this. Never. It's blatantly obvious the reason for these died
suddenly excess deaths has to do with the damn COVID vaccination. Okay.
And we were talking about this the other day, middle aged America. Why
are they dying from the COVID vaccine? Of course, again, they're not
going to put these two things together like I am here on my website. But
yes, they are together. Yes, the COVID Vax does cause excess deaths and
I've been saying that for years. I have always said under no
circumstances do you get that injection but a lot of you didn't listen.
Anyways, why the middle aged population? Well again, to me that makes
perfect sense. Because they're the ones who are gonna repopulate the
world. Typically, day, the 25 to 50 in there some time in someone's
life. They're gonna get married or not, or I don't know what they're
doing today. I don't know. I don't care. Okay, but they're gonna have
children somewhere in this timeframe. And this is what they don't want.
They don't want more miles to feed more people to take care of. So this
is targeting exactly the demographics that those who created this poison
was meant to do. I always say once you open your mind, once you can
truly see through the fog. There'll be no going back. You'll never be
able to unsee anything because everything makes perfect sense. And
people this was a poison and I've said it before, and it's gonna kill
you probably more than not, or have a terrible cancer that's gonna kill
you. Something coming out of this vaccination is gonna kill you. And
that's what it was designed for. Washington designed and has been proven
fact and Washington designed to keep you away from that deadly COVID
bug. Because that bug really didn't even exist. It was a man made
propaganda scheme. So yes, there is access to so I'm sad to see that.
But y'all should have known better before injecting a experimental
vaccine into your body and running around and trying to guilt all those
people that didn't do it. Stop with the guilts the only guilt trip you
got right now is yours. Okay, feel sorry for what you did to your body.
Because only you did it to yourself. Don't blame the unvaccinated for
it. We tried to tell you, under no circumstances, take that vaccination,
but you didn't listen. Now you're gonna have to pay the consequences.
Unfortunately. And there's a good chance it's gonna kill you. I'm being
blatant, but I'm being truthful. Again, I don't know if I want to put
this on the website but I do want to record it. Let me think about it
after I go for a walk and see if I want to put this up. But excess
deaths. Yes. There is. And yes, it's because of the COVID-19
vaccinations and quote unquote boosters, but yet people keep lining up.
Oh, what a much better way of doing it. Well, you get your flu
vaccination. Just couple up with your COVID vaccination. Oh my god.
Seriously. But so many, so many eyes. Still don't see it. Now I couldn't
put this on YouTube because they get flagged and I probably get shut
down. But guess what? My my site and no one's going to flag me no one's
gonna shut me down. Yeah, putting myself out there and I begin to wonder
about that a lot to put my neck out there. I could see people at my
door. I hope none. But anyways, I digress. Let's get back to the point.
People is happening. If you got it. You took it. I'm sorry for you. I
don't think there's any turning back at this point. But excess deaths.
Yes. 100% can tell you 100% I can guarantee you is caused by the COVID
19 vaccination. Sorry for Mr. Morbid here, but I want the truth to get
out there in case you haven't heard it. And I think you all feel it. I'm
just saying it. So as best you can. Namaste
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