
There is NO Spoon Artist name
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If a Tree Fell... Artist name
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Hello, everybody. I hope everybody's having a good day. Today I want to put on a podcast. You can call it that for the lack of a better term. On my website, probably one of the most important, if not the most important topic there is on this site. So if you're listening to this, or reading this podcast, understand its importance, I can't overestimate or over emphasize how important the philosophy and the principle the idea, which I'm going to try to tell you about to the best of my ability is because this really is, for lack of a better term that the cat and the canary the the mouse in the wheel, I don't know. It is the most important principle. You need to understand that, ironically, is the hardest to understand. Okay, this is gonna be called, there is no spoon. And I think for people that have seen the old movie The Matrix, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. When I think his name was quinoa, Gino Kendall Reeves was asked to bend a spoon and he looked at it and said there is no spoon. Okay, this what do we understand from that? Do you get the principle behind this? The principle is our entire life. Some of us more than others ie me. Had been told for so long that we are cool. What's the right word? We are finite. We are small. We are don't make a big difference. We don't know much. We came from apes. What a frickin joke. That is. I can digress onto that. Charles Darwin's theory is a bunch of BS and it's totally wrong. Getting back to my point we have been told for so long that we are so little. We've been told for so long that we need others to take care of us because we don't have the capacity due to our smallness to take care of ourselves. We need the government to watch over us. We need money to live. The list goes on and on people. My point being we have been what's digressed to such infantile, small, helpless being our entire lives. And after so many years of this and I've got more years than a lot not as much as some. But after so many years of this, you actually start to believe it when once you fall into the the groove like some of my other podcasts talked about falling into the groove. Once you become part of that groove. You accept the groove then your mentality goes with it. Getting to the point of this blog, what the one most important thing that we can understand as human beings on planet earth are we are not small. We are not powerless. We are not finite. Just think of everything you've been told over your entire existence. And the opposite is true. Just with media today, listen to what the media says and believe the opposite. Because that's the reality of it. So what was that? There is no spoon. What was he saying? Well, I believe it was I can't remember Keanu Reeves, cat, actor name, but he was asked to bend a spoon. He said there is no spoon. Well, that's absolute truth. There is no spoon there is no table. There is no chairs. There is no cars. There is no airplanes. There is no anything. Here's the key is we are the infinite source. And we we all of us collectively, have created create created key term or resistance. We've agreed that a table should look like this and a chair should be like that and everything else should work the way it's going to work. If agreed. It's called a collective consciousness agreement. unbeknownst to us, we have agreed to this. Before we even came into this world. We had agreements that we had to follow that we agreed to agree to agreed to follow. Okay, and we agreed a spoon as a spoon and to use to put food into your mouth. But in reality, in reality, and here's the concept that's hard to understand everything that you see out of your eyes does not exist. It was created by us. So when Kiana was asked to bend the spoon and he said there is no spoon, and I think it was counsel might have been somebody else. What he really meant was that spoon doesn't exist because it's not really there. I've created it, so there is no spoon. And this, by far is one of the most important ideas, philosophy starch traits that you can understand and it's hard to understand. I still haven't got my head wrapped around it totally. I can understand the concept. I can understand that and it makes it makes sense. But to put it into useful for lack of a better term useful measures useful things. That's that's hard to do. But I think you got to start small because again our entire lives. We've been told we're nothing. We're small, we're finite, we're powerless, we're weak, when just the opposite is true. So it's taken in my circumstance. 68 years I've been brainwashed with that garbage. It's gonna take a little while and no one happened overnight to get out of it. It'll probably take me the rest of my life to figure it out and finally, understand that we are not these things. And we are the ones with the power. And those are the ones we are the ones this gear to live and shit out of the Cabal. And that's good. I hope we scare him. So there's the philosophy there is no spoon. Okay? We are consciousness. These things don't exist outside. of our consciousness. Excuse me, you know the old adage. Ask the person this simple question. And today it makes perfect sense to me. Here's the question. You've heard it. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to perceive it doesn't make a sound and then they pursue the people who chose the falls don't. But no, the answer is no, it doesn't because there's no one there to perceive it. And you're gonna say wow, it makes it sound I could put a camera. Yeah, that's all perception. It's all perception. Okay, if there's no one there are nothing there. To perceive it. The tree makes no sound hack for that fact. The tree might not even fall. Well, you go through the exterior and it's laying down. Okay, maybe so we can get into that rabbit hole. But if you really want to see someone's understanding of there is no spoon. Ask him that. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there, does it make a sound? And you know if they initially will reassure those roots or do they fall right out under the bandwagon? Well, you can't blame them because they're falling back into the brainwashed bandwagon. They've had their entire life. But the ones that go you know, I don't know. Ah, now you're starting to use your your brain. Now you're starting to think for yourself. And the ones of course to say absolutely not. Well, you know, they're definitely on the on the right train to the right place. So, I'm gonna cut this short right now. Just think about that there is no spoon. The tree makes no noise that falls in the woods and there's no one there to perceive it. Think about that. It's important people Namaste.