Good morning folks. Hope all as well with you. I want to first
apologize for any noise in the background for I am sitting outside in a
rocking chair and yes, there's a woodpecker in the back going crazy on a
tree in your house or something so might be a little bit loud.
I wanted to call this why did I elect to ship and move some of my content over to Patreon.
me give you a little background of the website to start with. I started
the website about all five years ago. And my intention was at that time
to put up content to help people that was the sole purpose of my site
when it still is to help people gain insight into themselves and of
what's going on around them. There is so many people that know so
little, and I can be one of them too. But my intention was to help
people. It wasn't to make money. It wasn't to get rich off of it and I
did everything was done. Up until this point, the majority of it's still
being done at my own expense. Now, I designed this website, I build
this website. I create the content. I upload the content. I create the
audio files, you get the picture. Okay, this takes time.
And I
put a lot of articles on the website. I think there's close to 150
articles on the website now. Some of them have been moved over to
Patreon and we'll get into that in a minute. But doing this site took a
lot of work. And I just kept finding more and more good things that I
wanted to put out. But it became more and more time consuming.
what I started doing about a year ago, is I put a Pay Pal donations tab
on the website where people could donate $1 If they wanted to. Just
something to you know, help me keep the site going because the site is
not free. I have yearly dues I have to pay for to keep my domain name
registered. Fortunately, as a web developer, I can do all the web work
so that doesn't cost me anything.
But that went on and I kept
putting out articles and I my traffic kept going up and up and up and up
from all over the world. And after a year I have not received one
donation, not $1.
And because becomes kind of disheartening after a while, especially after all the time and energy I put into it.
it got to a point where I needed to put my articles, if not all of them
behind a paywall because people are just watching from all over the
world. And I had a blog for a while and just to get the comments and
what the people thought and all the comments were very, very positive.
Keep up the good work. It's excellent site but my reasoning is at this
point in time, I still want to put out content and I'll continue but I
can't guarantee the content will not be put on Patreon.
I need
some help. And Patreon. It's $5 a month and all the content is open to
you all of it. There's no restrictions $5 a month you remember and it's
open to you.
And it's new. I hate to say all new content will go
there, but the majority of is gonna start going there. The friend nice
things like the vaccines and the COVID-19 the fringe things that I could
be censored for, let's say are still gonna stay free on Mitchell But a lot of the other ones are gonna start being ported over.
Right now. It's probably about 3070 ratio 30 over 70 not over.
know as time goes on, more and more are gonna go over. And if the new
content is not French, it's gonna immediately go over. So that's the
reason I went to Patreon. I've been doing this for five years. I
received no support. I didn't think I would need support. But it bloomed
in such a bit to such a large undertaking, every little bit of help,
because again, this website costs me to keep it going.
My time
and energy like anybody else's is worth something unfortunately, it has
to be the almighty dollar and you know how I feel about that. But we
need it to survive, unfortunately, on this planet right now.
So I
asked you go to Patreon. Become a member. Get all the content you want.
If you can't find it on the website, you can go to patreon or listen to
it there and see it there and read it there in the comment there. So
that's why I moved to the Patreon.
Unfortunately, I can't keep
everything free anymore. The larger we get the more members I get or
more visitors I get. The more I have to port this over behind a paywall.
Hope you understand.
That's where it's going. And that's where
it's getting to be. And if it gets to a point where, you know, my
traffic goes down to nothing and no one's willing to pay well then I
guess I just stopped putting on content.
Because I do need help
at this point. I hope you understand people and this is gonna go on the
main website is why did I start shipping content to Patreon namaste
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