
This is Our Lives Artist name
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Hello everyone. I hope all is good. Hope you had a chance to go through the site, and I hope you've all had a chance to look at my latest podcast where I've been. So you have some idea what's going on here and where I've been, but I am back, and I just created another one that I thought was really, really interesting. This came to me the other night in my sleep. It made perfect sense. It fit every every cognitive measure that there was out there, everything that is being said everywhere this corresponded to it. Fit it perfectly, and it's going to be about where we are in our lives right now. And if you look, you'll notice there's a pyramid on this page, and it's a very important thing. The pyramid, anyhow, is important because it shows us just how this world is categorized, how it's run. Okay? Now I added a bunch of annotations and corporations and blah, blah, blah to the right hand side. I don't know if they're in the right place. That's not the idea. The idea of this pyramid is to show us where you exist, what you know, what you're meant to know, what you've been trained to know your entire life, from the minute you were born, you existed in This pyramid. So to say. So let's take a look at this pyramid. And, oh yes, look at all the things that are in the world that are pyramids, the Great Pyramids of Giza. They're all over the world. They're pyramids. What is a pyramid

describe? We'll talk about that. It's called top down approach, okay, but you look at this pyramid and you can start from the very, very bottom, you're going to see where it says us. That's not the United States folks. That's you and me, the eaters. They call us the feeders. They call us, us all the people of this world, the living, breathing human beings, us. That's where we are in this pyramid. Okay? We're not even on the pyramid. We're below the pyramid. We're the chattel, like I've said before. Okay, pyramid goes up, and it goes up to the very top, where the all seeing eye is. Understand, like any hierarchy, any dimensional hierarchy, 12345, if you exist on the third dimension, three, you can see two and one, but you cannot see what's going above us, four and five, and that's the same thing in this pyramid. It's called compartmentalization. In other words, if you look at it, that picture of the pyramid, you'll see media, main MSM, mainstream media. It can see everything that's below it, but it cannot see black rock, church, Sheikah societies, or the all seeing eye, you can't see anything that's above it. Now, where do we exist, once again, below the bottom of the pyramid? Is there anything below us? Not really. Is there anything above us? Oh, hell yes. A whole hell of a lot. Can we see it because of compartmentalization? No, we don't know it exists. And if someone brings up the existence of any of these things above us, the first words they're going to come out of their mouth is your conspiracy theorist. That's how they've tried to label us. We've talked about this another podcast, so there's no need to go into it anymore. But understand, as you rise up this pyramid, let's start at the bottom. Again, no specific order. I may not be right on these, but it'll give you an idea. First one is corporations. Okay, we don't know what's going on in corporations. We don't know what their ulterior motive is. We don't know why they steal pensions. We don't know how they buy off judges. But there they are. That's the first line. Then it's the military. After that, military can see what corporations are doing. Corporation doesn't know what the military is doing because it's compartmentalized. And in the military, the compartmentalization goes 100 fold, especially in the deep, deep, deep projects. The Deep projects are designed exactly like this. So the only one in this pyramid which knows what's going on below it is the all seeing eye. And we'll talk about that, the David Ike people, the all seeing eye, okay? And as you work your way up and again, you see the principle behind it. The idea is, if you get up to the church, you can see everything below it and what's going on and what's transcribing and what's supposed to be done, but it can't see secret societies or the all seeing eye, because that's above it. And again, look where we are, folks. This is what I'm trying to stress here. Look where you exist and I exist. We exist below, below. So everything that's above us, and that's everything, could be total bullshit, ignorance and lies. And if you turn on your TV today, you will see exactly that lies, lies and more lies. Let's talk about this all seeing eye that's kind of important. That's even above the secret societies, which is at the very, very top, okay, secret societies we know as these, be called Illuminati, you know, the Rosa Christians secret societies, but there's one above them who's really pulling the strings. And I've heard this. You can refer to this as the Cabal, which we've all heard as a conspiracy theorist, the Cabal Who are they? Good question, but I've heard many, many ideas, and I don't think this is just my opinion. I don't think there's more than a handful of them, but I do very strongly believe in that handful that are at the very top. There's a lot of non humans, a lot that have set this structure up since the beginning of time. This just didn't happen last week. This happened back, back, way back before the Egyptian dynasties. Sumeria it started being formed there, because here's a control structure. The whole thing is about one thing and one thing only, and that's to control us at the bottom, because us are the ones that create this world. I've talked about that on this platform before. We create everything we see, hear, touch, feel, smell. We create it as a collective consciousness. And they need to control that. They need to control our narrative so we produce what they want us to produce. This whole pyramid scheme is about control, in the end,

control of everything. As you can see, if you're in the all seeing eye, you control everything below you, everything, and not many people, politicians got no clue who's in the all seeing eye church has no clue who's at the top, although they're pretty much up there. Secret Societies are right there next to it, but there's still one more group above them. And even this pyramid, even the all seeing eye, from what I understand, there's a whole nother group above that. But this is here on planet Earth. We get above the all seeing eye. We start going interdimensional. We start going extraterrestrial, which we don't want to talk about right here, right now. But folks, this is how you live. This is how we live. This is we where we are in the big scheme of things, the very bottom. We're the chattel. Okay? We are the ones that are useful idiots. As far as they're concerned, we're eaters. All we do is eat. Okay? And they want to get rid of us. They want to get rid of us. There's too many of us. They say another freaking lie. Again. You understand why you don't know what's going on. This is why, because of this design, this is how it's set up, and it's been set up for countless years. But once you understand this design, once you understand where you fit into this scheme of things, into this pyramid, you could then begin to piecemeal some of these parts and put them together. Yeah, we don't know who's in the all seeing eye. Again, I have a pretty good idea. And if you do your research, you could come up with a pretty good idea. Might not be like mine, but I'll bet you come up with a good idea. This is how you live, folks. How do you like life so far? How do you like your chance of doing something? Let's say on november 5, when you go to cast a ballot, what chance do you think it's really gonna have to make a decision, our choice in this pyramid, how far up the chain of command you think it's gonna really go if the politicians are only on level number three, how far things you have to ask yourself, questions you need to consider. These are trying times, but there are times to wake up. There are times to become aware of yourselves. There are times to take back your sovereignty and say, No, I no longer will be oblivious to this control structure. I will no longer allow you to dictate to me what I should do and how I should do it. So there you go. Enjoy your life, enjoy your pyramid, and I wish you all a good day. Namaste.
Image by Robert Pixabay