Hello, folks. Hope you're all doing well. Yes, it's that prime time of night, three o'clock in the morning when I get an epiphany. Today's blog is going to be called Modern medicine is trying, but it will never reach efficacy. And what do I mean about that? Well, I simply mean that as hard as modern medicine tries to cure diseases, it's in the game plan of Big Pharma and the FDA to make sure modern medicine never can cure diseases. They gave me cured a common cold, for God's sakes. And why is that? Well, that's pretty simple, because, as Big Pharma says, quote, unquote, there is no money in Healthy People. Why would they unquote? Why would they create a cure for a disease like cancer, which they do have? Why would they give that out? They would lose money. They wouldn't be able to rape our insurance companies anymore. And I think the doctors and hospitals are to some extent in cahoots with Big Pharma, because the more they can't cure disease, the more they prolong it, the more times you have to go in, like myself, for chemotherapy every Monday, when all the chemo chairs are filled up, and it's a small tongue, everybody doing the same thing, getting their daily fix, not to cure the disease, but to get you into remission, where they can keep you on a standard protocol, keep raping those insurance companies. You know, big pharma works under this principle, create a problem, create a solution, and then have a result. Make the cancer, make the drugs that help it along and put it in remission and then do it all over again, never giving the public what they really desire. And you know what? The FDA is complicit in all of this. Also, they allow big farmer to continue down this road. And I'm sorry to say, our farmers are pushed into cycle mites and all this garbage they put on our food when they grow it, all these poisons that are in there that lead to cancer and diabetes and ADHD and everything else under the sun that is curable. They poison us in our food. They poison us in our water with lead, and they poison us in our air with chemtrails. How does a person like myself eat? Right? They go to a store, there is nothing there. I mean nothing. It doesn't have 30 or 40 ingredients in it. If you read it and they say, if it's got more than two ingredients, it's poison. I would challenge you. Challenge you to go to any grocery store, pick up a box of something Bisquick or even a cereal, and look at the 40 items that's into cereal. Take for Cheerios. 48 items are in that box. The same Cheerios box at the EU has got two. So you think the FDA is really looking out for our best health interests? I fear not. They should be abolished. Big Pharma should be abolished. And stop and think about this people. How come it seems like so many older people in their late 60s are getting sick with something. You've all got something, and if you don't, when you go in, they're going to find something almost like it's pre programmed. I go to the chemo chairs, and everybody's in there, 60 years old. Plus, I know why. I know exactly why. Because they can be guaranteed. Big Pharma can be guaranteed. And the hospitals, you probably have health insurance through Medicare and a supplemental B plan. So they're going to get their money, they're going to take it out of your skin every time you come in there, and they're going to make sure you come in at least weekly for them, take it out of your insurance companies, put you on 50 different medications. Yeah, I'm on a fuel. I gotta be Adam, uh, yes, because Big Pharma is not going to cough up the cure for my cancer or any other one out there, because they wouldn't make any money. But you see how they got it timed right for your age into younger years, you might not have health insurance now. They're going to struggle to get money from you, but they can pretty much be guaranteed in your older years, you will have health insurance. You had Medicare. You paid for it your whole life. Now, after they paid for it, let's take it from them, and some of these costs, you've all looked at them, you know, eight, $900 for something that should be 300 200 Yeah. Big Pharma and the hospitals, I gotta admit, are raping people by man made. Diseases, cancer is man made. Lyme disease is man made. Alzheimer's is man made create the problem, make a solution so you get rich and continue with the problem. Make them come in every week. It's sickening. That's why I say the hospitals are trying, but they're never going to get to efficacy, because Big Pharma will never let them get there. I do think hospitals are complicit in this to some extent. Let's look at COVID 19. The FDA told them what to do, and they just jumped in, hook, line and sinker and did it and did their old dances, and all the rest are crap. They fell right in line. No one objected. The ones that did got fired. Everybody else rolled up their sleeves and took the poison so they're not out of the woods. They're part of the issue. They're part of the problem. But the real problem is Big Pharma. When is the last time Pfizer cured a disease? I think it's been like 20 years. The same with, you know, all the rest of these pharmaceutical companies, they've only cured a disease in 20 years because there's no money in it. They cure it. They don't get their money back from the insurance companies every week, or whatever that ungodly number is. But it yet this continues on and on. All these rates keep going up and up. Let's hope Mr. Kennedy can some do something with this. FDA abolish them. We don't need them. They do us no good. What about the stuff that gates is putting on all of our fresh vegetables? You go to a store and think you're going to get a fresh apple, orange, and you see a little insignia on there's peel that visor to say poison, because that's what it is. It's a something they spray on these apples. It's probably got 50 different names of the ingredients in it that are causing everything in the world cancers. I don't know, but you know, it's not good for you. If it was healthy, they wouldn't put it on there. So people go to my Patreon page. If you can, I lower the monthly fees, I think $1.50 a month. Surely you can help me out here with some of this. A lot of you on the website. Every day, I want to make this podcast free so you all can hear it. So I think it's important. I think you need to know. I think you need to understand. Go out and buy a reverse osmosis water machine try to drink clean water, but again again, how do we eat clean it's impossible. You've got to go to grocery store to get food, and unless you shop the outside aisle and even some of that, who knows what they're putting in the chicken to make these big chicken breasts, hghs, oh, that's got to be healthy for us. That's got to be really healthy for us. Pump those chickens full of hghs, and then you eat it. Yeah? You don't think that's going to stir stuff up inside your body, sure. Well, yeah, I'm angry because I the situation I'm in right now. You know, all these pills up and down, up and down every week. This is up, that's down. This is up, that's down. Stop this, start this, do this. Do that. Something new every week. Charge the insurance company more money, all because of probably, I can't validify this, but I would say it's probably food I've eaten over the last 69 years, the red licorice I beat as a kid. Who knows, maybe had somebody with my Lyme disease. Oh yeah, you knew where that came from, don't you? They had a bio weapons testing island off of Lyme Connecticut that was testing Lyme disease and ticks. It just so happened to get loose. Imagine that ended up in line Connecticut, spread throughout the United States. Whoo, another man made disease. We all know about the c1 there wasn't man made in China, folks. It just doesn't it just doesn't get any better right now than this. Can it be stopped? I hope so. Can I be fixed? It'd be nice to know I could, but maybe the younger people will hear this and read this and try to eat better, drink better, breathe better, if they can do something for yourself. I know it's hard to read those food labels. You just want to get in, get the hell out. I'm as guilty of that as anybody else, but try your best. Get a Walter water filtration system. Keep it clean. Check your water levels. That's so important. Stay away from the lead. Stay away from the black mold. You can't just cover it up. You've got to take it out. Okay, all these things. Try your best. Young people. Take it from somebody who's older and been through the system a few times, because if you don't, it was going to happen to you, because Pfizer and AstraZeneca is not going to give us any cures, as long as they're in business making up teen billions of dollars a year, you're never going to see a cure, folks. And that's the sad part of living on this planet. We should be living in a utopia