Time... were all subject to it, at least
that's what we've been told our entire life. Time to go to bed, time to
go to work, time to go to your appointment, time to live, time to die
etc etc. So what is this enigmatic word "Time"?? It has been said that
in reality there is no time, only now. WE have created the meaining and
purpose of time. We have created the calendar and clock system. WHY? I
think the initial reason was for "control" of the people. The control
structure must have a way to keep everyone working and working and
working. The pyramids did not get built by themselves. Without the
clock, well you can imagine the problem. But that philosophy has
transcended until current time. Do we still need this form of control?
Are we really just mindless sheep/slaves? Yes we are. Ok enough said
about the clock lets talk TIME.
As previopusly explained it is said that TIme does not really exist,
only NOW. Take for instance as an explanation can you ever really go
into the past? No (so why hold yourself to regrets there?) can you ever
go to tomorrow? No when "tomorrow" exists it is NOW. SO the only time is
right "NOW".
Think about time like this, this is a very hard concept to grasp. If we
as humans do not "shut down" at night when we sleep(as MSM scientists
tell us)and we essentially are awake/aware 24/7 then yesterday and
tomorrow will never exist! Only the NOW. The point that is almost always
made is we shoud live in the NOW, not regretting anything of the past
and now chasing that "golden carrot" of tomorrow. We live in always in
the past or future and neglect the now that is the most important
period. Yes MSM, school,parents all that mind control has made us chase
the "carrot"( which we can never get to,, its set up that way) our whole
lives never achieving our ultimate goal and all along missing the NOW.
Look at nature, the sky the trees see the beauty in all this, stop
thinking about tomorrow, one year from now, or someone who has hurt you
in the past. Live for TODAY, its hard and it will take a lifetime of
dedication to achieve but it can be. Lets look at our pathetic life
cycle that we all have been "bred" into.
Unfortunatly this is our lifecycle as we know it today, pathetic to
say the least where in the cyclye is there any time for US? No where and
thats its purpose. Remember as far as the "ruling Class"(I hate that
term) is concerned that's all your worth to them.
Getting a little off track here so lets present yet another scenario to think about:
Lets say were on a walk from point a to our desination point b. As you
leave "a" towards "b" can you ever see the past? That is from where you
came? Some say sure just turn around and take a look, but I say right
but as you do that the past( the path behind you) now becomes the
destination(in front of you). We do not have "Eyes in the back of our
heads", we were never meant to see the past only the future. In my ideas
its impossible to see the past just like it really is impossible to see
the current time. That is right now . How do you look right now? Do you
have green eyes, blonde hair etc? Impossible to tell because we can
Never see ourselves as we are currently on as we are in the past. Sure
lets say we look in the mirror. Is that as we are right now? Now its as
we are in the past, because the light and reflection to
time(millesceconds)never the less to reach our eyes. So what we see in
the mirror is an image of us in the past.
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