
Sheep No More!
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One picture tells the whole story. If there is one main theme that I designed this website around it was this theme. The most important article on the site is this one, at least for now so lets get into it> The title "Sheep no more.." says it all. We the general public are considered by those in charge(I hate this to) as sheep. Mindless avatars that must be told what to think, what to do, when to do it, etc etc. And we go along with their incidious scheme, some of us our entire lives. I say STOP right now, take your life off "autopilot". Think about it generally speaking we live our life on "autopilot", don't much really think about anything other than the pushed narrative: We go on and on allowing society and those "in charge" to take care of us, that is tell us what to do, when, what to think etc etc. What about our mind what we were given do we really ever use it??? Most of us no, unfortunately. We go through our lives as I said on "autopilot". We are told everydan 24/7 365 whats to think, what to do, what is right vs what is wrong, how to behave, how not to behave, what to say, what not to say, what to believe, what not to believe the list goes on and on. We get this 'brainwashing" from the time were born and enter "public school"? and it is propogated every minute of our days. From the MSM telling us nothing but lies or rather "their" narrative as "they" see it and want us to believe, to newpapers, the internet, facebook,google,snapchat non stop propoganda. But we ALLOW them to do this because we are typically to lazy to think for ourselves and as Questions WHAT IF????? As I said before "awareness" is the first step to enlightenment becoming aware of all these exterior forces effecting us every second of every day and turning the "autopilot" OFF is the first step. This is the essence behind this site is to get people to think for THEMSELVES, regardless of anyone or anything else. You were given a mind use it!!!! The possibilities are endless but YOU must get to a point were you STOP looking for others/sources to give you information and gather it yourself. Open your mind, your heart will follow. Don't rely on any one source there are so many out there use them all then YOU draw YOUR OWN conclusion irregardless of what you have been told in the past. This method is not something you can just turn "on" like a switch it takes a conscious effort continuously to do. You will find yourself intially falling back into old bad "autopilot" habits, become "aware" of this change it back. Again will be a long term committment, but in the end opportunities and possibilities will show themselves to you that you thought could never exist, EXPAND...