
Look at ME Artist name
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Well, hello everybody can have a different venue. Yes. I'm in his hammock. This is September 19, about 130 a little bit different than my park. But as I was walking down the beach, I thought of a good good topic and the topic is going to be called the
show me sorry scratch yet the Look At Me Generation not show me look at

the reason I see this as I was down at the beach and there was a woman by herself in the water and joined today and that's okay but then all of a sudden she's in the water she doing about 300 selfies honestly, one after another after another after another. And then another woman comes down to her cell phone and I'm sure she's done some selfies in her life. He was very few though. I do these things. But my point being this generation is the lucky generation partially caused by mobile phones Absolutely. Tick tock, Facebook, Twitter, all of them. They all advocate. Look at me. Look at me. Look what I'm doing. Everybody needs external lift vacation. Oh, sorry. They need to be solidified externally by somebody else. They're not comfortable in their own skin. They need other friends. I was with someone over the last week, just live with her friends. And when they asked her who she was, she had no answer for me. But they needed her friends to solidify them to create their sovereignty which they've given away. So they dress like everybody else. And they all buy their iPhone 20 fives link everybody else and they all do the look at me pictures on Facebook and blah blah blah all these places. It's the LOOK AT ME society. They've lost themselves they don't know themselves they've given their sovereignty away for others to fulfill it and then when you don't get that fulfillment all man now like I started doing 20 drugs because I've got depression and ADHD and a DD and a B, C and D and F and everything else. Because they will willingly maybe not consciously gave their sovereignty away. And they need others out from outside of their realm to define and say, Okay, that's cool what you bought is neat. Atlas good effing cares what others think about you. Your life is your life and it always will be. You're not taking any of these people with you when you move. Not a damn one of them. So why do you care about what they think about you? Stop pumping your chest and putting it on Facebook and making yourself look like this and like that. I've been veggie if you go to Facebook. I don't the numbers but a heck of a lot of people's pictures all look like real but they look like they're all pumped up. It's all look at me society. Of course I don't care what I look like. Either you'll accept me or you don't. I'm not here to need you. I don't need your acceptance. Honestly, I don't want it either. So keep your opinions to yourself because I really give a shit what you think. Is that selfish? No, it's not selfish. I'm taking care of my wife. I don't need others to vilified. validate me if that story is valid if I can't say validate. I don't need acceptance from others. This society today, the younger society middle aged society needs that theory to look at me society. Look what I've got. Look what I've done. Look at me jump up and down. Please clap for me. I'm not here to say that once you become not a part of that anymore. I'm sure it was a part of that. Sure it was but I've learned to work myself out of it. And once you become not a part of that anymore. Life truly starts to become beautiful. And good. You started seeing so much more. So thank you folks. Namaste. I hope you are a part of the Look At Me Generation. You can work yourself out of it because you don't need them.