Good morning, folks. I hope you're all having a wonderful day.
sitting outside and it's nice and warm by the lake. It's a good thing.
It's a beautiful thing. And I'm trying to enjoy it as I sit in my
rocking chair having my morning tea.
this has happened to me quite frequently. I call these synchronicities.
I see things I see numbers like 757707 727-737-1111 all these numbers
all the time, all the time. They're always in my face, and they're
always there. I call them synchronicities. I believe these
synchronicities happen for a reason because I do not believe in the word
coincidence. To me, coincidences do not exist. Here's a good example of
one. I'm not making this up.
couple of weeks ago, I was listening to a podcast and it was about
remembering who you were what you came here for. Because we all came
here for a reason. We're not just what's right, we're we're not just
flashes of light. We are light, but we're not just here for no reason.
We're here for a reason. We came here to do something. We came here to
be someone. And the podcast was about remembering who we were and why we
came here.
And I thought it was really, really good.
Again, it was by Swaruu official.
can see the Cosmic Agency on YouTube so I'm sitting here trying to
ponder about that, and I thought and thought about it all day, got on my
bike and rode down to the town which is a mile on the road. And I was
going out on a I guess you would call it a overlook over Lake over the
river. And when I looked at a turnaround looked at the the railing and
your the picture of it is on this podcast, I can see where somebody put
in a white type of writing it wasn't a marquee or something but you look
at the picture. And it says Remember who you wanted to be.
there in my face them now, I didn't put that there. Okay, yet it was
there and is there you can see the picture. I don't know how it was
written there who wrote it there. But that's a synchronicity too. That
was not a coincidence that I was thinking about who was I supposed to be
when I got here? And I saw that on the Overlook over there over the
river. Remember who you wanted to be?
I challenge all of you. If you see something happening, please don't
write it off immediately. Is it coincidence because if you listen to my
podcast you realize I do not believe in coincidence. I don't think
there's such a thing as a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason.
This happened for a reason.
I mean, how much more bizarre can that be?
start paying attention to these things. I believe they happen to
everyone, but people just don't pay attention to them. They just look at
the clock and it says 707 or 1111. Okay, that's it. But when it happens
more and more every day, all the time. These occurrences are not
coincidences. They're being you're being told something by your higher
self and that message that I got right there. I was really being told
something by my higher self, and I'm still in the process of figuring it
out. So I challenge you to do that too.
that's what happened with that. And pretty strange stuff. But really
not once you start getting into it. So God bless you all. Have a good
day. Talk to you later. Bye now.
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