
When is Enough-Enough? Artist name
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When is Enough-Enough(2) Artist name
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Good afternoon, folks.Love it patriots out there.

The summer is winding down. I had a situation which resolved itself the other day and kind of reinforce some of my thoughts. But I want to call this audio cast. When is enough Enough? What Have you got enough? When do you call it, I've got enough. I don't need to work anymore. I don't need to do anything anymore. I'm fine. I'm happy. When is enough, Enough. And The reason I asked this is because something came to light the other day that brings this whole thing to fruition. That reminds us of how short life is here. And that we are meant to enjoy it into it, love it into appreciate it to its fullest. And not be that hamster in a wheel, that horse with blinders on. And what happened was I had a good friend of mine passed away at age 57. All kinds of businesses, great friend of mine, may rest in peace. pillar of the community, I mean, handfuls of things going on. Now, I don't know how he lived his life that was up to him.But in retrospect,I would imagine if he knew this was going to happen,he probably would have stopped and smell the roses A long time ago.

I don't know. But I'm saying to you, folks, When is enough, enough. I've got a lot of friends out there still working their tails off till they turn 65. And I hope and wish them well. I hope their life lives a long, long, long, long, long, long time after that. The odds are against him that it will The odds are against him after 65 that you're going to live 2030 more years, especially after work in your whole life and all the stress you have on it. But again, I say to myself, when is enough Enough? When do you draw the line and say listen, I I've had I've got enough, I'm going to go on and I'm going to smell the coffee, smell the roses, Look at the beautiful trees and enjoy nature in my life. I know it's an individual choice for everybody. And that that is your choice to make. I know when I made mine. Do I regret it? No, because I'll be retired probably twice as long as most people in my profession, or I'll probably have, I know I'll have twice as long a time in retirement to enjoy it. Now I can't speak for everybody. But I would just like everybody to speak for themselves and stop and think Take the want to say credit take accounting for what you have. And ask yourself, what is enough enough for me? How long do I keep chasing that proverbial carrot? What more do I need? And that's what you got to start weighing those odds. Instead of this looking at your bank account, or your checkbook, or your whole mortgage, All things that we can never get out from under anyhow. And look and look and say, Well, you know, I'm happy with what I've got. I can go on with my life and I can enjoy it from here on out. I don't know. I just hope everybody asks themselves, truly and honestly, it listens to their heart, when their heart tells them. Hey, man, it's time for you to leave. Instead of your brain say now you gotta work four more years to pay that house off. Or you got to work four more years to pay that car off. And then after four years, something happens. Like it happened to my friend. I don't know. I'm not pointing fingers. I'm not making assumptions. I'm just putting the idea health or one does enough enough. And can you be totally honest with yourself and ask yourself that question and put all judgments of will I've got to have this I got to have more of this. I've got to have more of this. put all that aside and decide for yourself when I've had enough. And if that's what you wish to do work till you're 95 years old to seek and pay off your house. God bless you that is your choice. We do have free will. But at least make sure you've asked that question and you are happy with your answer.

I'd like to make this video as I sit here in my hammock on this beautiful day on the 21st day of September.

Just hammer walking around and enjoying the day. I want to make a video for a I guess we can call it a podcast I put onto their day called when is enough enough. I feel so strongly about this and I want people to understand the ramifications of this so I'm gonna make this video to accompany to complement excuse me while I get my head just right. Typically I don't make these videos because they're so large it takes a long ago, but I think this is an important one.

I said what is enough enough? I want people to make informed decisions on their retirement or when they when they stop punching the clock for Uncle Sam or Mr. Big Corporation enjoy themselves and work on their spirituality. Now let me define spirituality in my term. Spirituality has nothing to do with the Bible ensures Okay. When I say spirituality what I'm talking about is you as a person where you fit in this universe where you fit in the big picture what you're here to do, what you're here to experience, why are you here, that spirituality. So when I talk about spirituality, please keep it to that connotation.

Now, let me freeze freezes like such let's make believe that for some reason, each and every one of us and this earthly plane had the ability to have a crystal ball and no one our time with passing was going to come.

If we knew this I could probably bet you 100% of the time. Everybody within a year or two of their time, would cease working and just enjoy their life and do the things they wanted to do. And maybe even earlier, maybe five years before I don't know. But I doubt it very seriously.

If people that knew when their time passing was coming to work right up to that last day, and have no time for themselves. Unfortunately, we don't have that.

We don't have I guess it probably drives you crazy if you did have to always be thinking about so let's look at life in a different connotation. We work towards 65 and a society wants you to work to your 65 and pretty soon it will be 70 Next thing you know they'll have you work until you're 90. You know the story. You've heard all of this before.

If we have the ability to enjoy our life before this and build spiritual enlightenment spiritual points.

To me, makes no sense why we're not doing this because what we're essentially doing, thinking, Well, you know, I'm going to work till 65 Although I have enough money to retire at 60 I want to pay off that Corvette and I want to pay off that house when I need more money my 401 K and I need a bigger bank account, etc, etc. All these things don't go with you when you pass but your spirituality what you learn once you understand what you experienced, what you feel the love you've given out to help you. That all goes with you. And all the rest of this doesn't.

So my point is, why waste what you have been given chasing a carrot that you will never catch in the hopes that maybe when you retire you'll have 10 years left to you are wanting. Let's face it. 65 men 85 years old. The odds are against us in the profession. I had and I won't go into that. The the retirement age was 60 when I retired.

And the life expectancy was two years after that and I saw it happen time after time after time. People just dropped it.

And then I got sick, life threatening illness 20 years ago and it really made me think about things. And I know I could make a whole video on that.

But it helped me open my eyes and understand that life isn't about things you've accumulated. Life isn't about that car that hosts the 401k life is about your spirituality and what you take with you what you have learned what you've experienced, not what you've done for some corporation shed chasing a magic carrot you'll never catch sign that way. All designed that way, folks, the whole system is rigged. It's designed to keep you running in that hamster wheel right up to the end and then retire and die the next day and guess what? All that money that's all that they've taken out of your your paycheck for you. Social Security goes right back into the system and they give it away to some third world country the way it's designed.

So, I understand everybody has to make their own decision. But here's my point. Make sure you make a rational decision and you're comfortable with it. Are you comfortable with your decision? Are you comfortable rolling the dice and hoping you get 510 years after you retire? Are you confident if you are that is your decision. But don't go into this? Thinking about what I have to pay off and what I've got to do if you're comfortable and you can get out of it.

In my point of view, get the H out and leave. Start working on you as a person.

Don't sit there and and accumulate things that will never go with you that mean nothing to materialistic there at the end.

But that's my point of view. Again. The one thing we're given in this world is freewill. You got a choice and make it an informed choice. Think of the pros and cons think about it. Is it worth working in extra five years to pay a house off?

Is it worth it? Am I gonna roll the dice and hope when I retire after working that extra five years that I can enjoy it? For another five or 10 or 15? You want to roll the dice your call folks? Just make sure that your decisions are well informed about this girl.

Okay, why not go here and enjoy something like this? Why not let this pass you by?

Why let this pass you by working till you're 80 That's my point.

All right. I think I've harped on it enough. It's probably large enough video.