Good afternoon.
This is my second recording of a different idea. I think it's much
more relevant than my first idea. So I scrapped the first idea. And This
one is going to be called when your heart talks. Listen, man. And This
is going to be geared more towards men than women, because men and women
think and act differently. As a man, I can only relate to the male side
of it all thank God for females being able to relate through their side
of it, because it's kept us in check for many years. But Here's what
it's about men. Men think with their brain. They rationalize with their
brain, their head, or we also call it our ego. Women rationalize with
their heart. And 99.9999% of the time, Whenever your heart says is
right. So men Start off behind the eight ball, so to speak, because we
tend to think with our brains for center hurts Second. And in reality,
it should be the other way around. That's why this article is called
when your heart speaks, man, listen to it. Now, I want to cite some
examples of relationships, because I think this is a perfect way to cite
these examples. between men and women, Well, men thinking with their
with their head and not their heart. And I'm just as guilty of this as
anyone else. This is caught me many times, you see a woman, and your
heart tells you right away a fact. She's too young, She's too old. She's
got too much baggage. She's got children, things that are speaking from
my point of view, you know, I don't really want right now. But you
overlook that as a man, because the heart talking is very subtle. But
the brain just over controls over what oh, that's okay. I don't care if
she's got three young ones that I'm 60 years old. That's Okay. We'll
figure a way around it. And inevitably, inevitably, in a relationship
like that, One, or both people get hurt In The End, just because the man
didn't listen to his heart. The heart speaking men, When a heart
speaks, it speaks very subtly. And It doesn't repeat itself, like your
brain will. It lyst shoot the idea out there, for instance, right? She's
too young. And you will rationalize it away with your brain. And of
course, things will not probably work out. So men, we need to listen to
that subtle, Very first reaction. We're not used to that we're used to
listening to our brain, that rabbit we'll just rolling up there. Our
heart speaks differently. It speaks subtly, completely, but it doesn't
repeat itself. It's only going to give you one indication, and one
indication only. And we need to start heating it and paying attention to
it. Because of I know what I do, and I'm sure a lot of other men do the
same thing. You know, we want that. That brain type mentality where it
just sits there and there's rambles and repeats and rambles. heart
doesn't work that way men, It's just a slight
little bit, you feel it,
It says it and it goes away. Where your brain feels it and continues
on and dwells on it for days and hours and weeks and months. That's your
brain talking. Once again 99.9% of the time, that first reaction female
hearts, right man, And that's what we got to start listening to. it'll,
it'll keep people from getting hurt In the long run. So don't just pass
by or put in the back burner, that first reaction from your heart.
Learn to listen to it as the primary as the primary advice unit, and
your brain being secondary and maybe even tertiary. So men, If your
heart speaks, listen to it. dummy. Thank you.