Hi guys and girls. Excuse me for holding my phone up here, but I'm
recording it. So, this is going to be. Oh, let's not forget this. I
think this is very important video, one that really needs to be shared
because I've been struggling with this idea for a long time. I think I
have an inclination as to what's going on here I am an epiphany Park,
where these things happen on this 10th day of August, 2020. and I want
to talk to you about manifesting what you want. And the ideas of it,
there's a lot of audios and videos out there about manifesting, and the
power of attraction, pretty much says all of this, but some things that
I've heard makes more sense to me. One of the things I've heard was
everything is happening now, there's no tomorrow, there's no yesterday,
it's just in the now was hard for me to understand until somebody said,
think of life as multiple timelines. And that made it a little bit
easier. But then when they said, think of life, as movie clips,
individual movie clips. Countless movie clips of every scenario that
could possibly happen to you in your lifetime. These movie clips by
themselves, one clip at a time. Don't make any sense they're not
animated. But when you connect with a clip, you can then animate it. So
we're all living in a movie clip right now that's animated, it's moving,
as we think of it is moving, and we attribute that to time and time has
nothing to do with them. But we're in this scenario where there's these
colorless movieclips everywhere, of every possible outcome of
everything that could happen to us in our lifetime, every scenario
exists right now. Not tomorrow. Not yesterday. Right now, it's all
there. Again, I had a hard time understanding what they talked about
timelines lines. When he said movie clips, individual little clips that
made more sense to me. So that's what I'm giving to you. So, life is a
movie clip. When you become harmonically frequency matched with a movie
clip, it becomes animated. In other words, it starts playing out. Okay.
And remember, there's countless ones out there, countless for each
person for each person's life of things that can happen. And until you
become a harmonic frequency match to that. You won't see it play out. I
thought oh my god, how do I become a match to something here I am
thinking about something right. I want this scenario. How do I match to
it. Well I've figured that one out. You match to it. You become 100%
convinced, not so much to work diminished knowledgeable that you will,
if there's any shred of doubt in your mind. Any, you will not match. Let
me give you an example. years, not when I was a child I used to play
drums. And it was back in the ancient era when all there was was
cassettes and the headphones to play with was hard, but I got away from
playing the drums for a long time and just took it up again about eight
nine years ago. And I've always known that I will get good I'll get very
good playing the drums, and I had no doubt, what's there was no doubt
Why would I doubt. There was no doubt in my mind and I have gotten good a
whole lot better and I wasn't I will still get better. So, I wanted
this clip. And I had no doubt. I obtained that clip. Just like when I
was young and I can remember sitting here and epiphany Park, knowing,
knowing that whatever I set forward in my path, whatever I set as my
life. I was going to do it and do it well. And I did. I had no doubt
doubt did not exist. I knew what I wanted. And I knew I was going to
achieve it, and I did. Okay, now there's things in my life I'm wondering
about my age, as a single man, thinking, you know, I wonder where that.
Or, if that there's a better way of putting it. person is out there
that special ladies out there, and not finding and looking and not
finding and looking and not finding that finally realizing. The reason I
know it's there. In all these movie clips that perfect match, she
exists, but I'm not a harmonic harmonic frequency match. Because I don't
believe in 100%. There's the key. You have to believe at 100%. No
doubts, no questions, like me, no one, I'm going to get better I'm going
to drums, or I'm going to achieve what I want in this world, there was
never doubt that dumped didn't exist. And now I need to get myself to
that place. If I want to go and find that individual. And I have my
doubts. Absolutely. I've had a tough, tough time. And when you throw
another person into the mix. It's going to inherently create doubt,
because that's a whole different entity, you don't control the entity to
want to be there, they're different, so they could always throw up
something that doesn't match, and you don't work out. So yeah, there's
there's doubt. You know there's less than less, but there's still doubt,
and as long as there's doubt people. And you will not connect
vibrationally with what you want. And I've heard this in countless
videos. And now I understand why. And I want you to understand why.
There can be no doubt period, or you will not connect to that clip, you
will not obtain that if you have doubt. It can happen folks. It's not
gonna happen. So that's what I wanted to get out there. It took me a
while to figure this one out. But here I am an epiphany Park. I'm
figuring this stuff out. I'm wondering how can I get to that movie clip I
know what's there, because everything in our lives every possible
scenario exists right now. Not tomorrow. Not yesterday. Now, you just
have to connect with it, how do you connect with it with zero doubt.
That's hard to do in some cases. I've done it in the situations I've
told you about. Can you do it. If you can do it, you can connect with
that clip. And then your life will start running from that clip. You
see, you go from here to that life, and all of a sudden next clip will
start becoming animated. That's the one you want. That will start
becoming animated. And you will live your life from there. Think of the
possibilities. but it cannot happen with these words. Well I hope so. Or
I wish. Those words do not work at all. Period, do not work. Oh I hope
this happens. Oh, I wish this would happen. Not gonna happen folks.
Those words are are bad. Okay. You have to be positive. And not just be
positive, in what you say. Positive here, because that's where your
eternal being is that's where your higher self is there. You've got to
know it. They're and they're here. So, a lot to work on. But that's the
way it works. As far as I figured it out. I'm gonna look him a long
time. Starting to make sense when everybody said, there is no yesterday
there is no tomorrow, there's just now. I don't, it didn't click until
they talked about the individual movie clips. None of them are animated
until you vibrationally match with them and then they become animated
from that point. That's where you live. So with that, I'm going to say,
I'm in epiphany Park. Thank you for listening to me. Peace out, and
we'll talk to you soon.