Hey folks. Hope you're having good spring and you'll probably notice here spring I don't apologize for that spring the birds they're all excited. Something
happened to me a little while back and I thought about it. I thought as
I'm walking down the road, it might be a really good video to put up.
I'm gonna call this video. Have you ever been a jealous ship? See Hiep
when I talk about ship what I'm talking about is like a moment here's how this situation works. I'm sure you remember from a lot of my other videos I said I don't play games.
This is a very played game. In the world of male female today. It can
go either way, band playing game or when we're playing the 11 most of
the time, that wouldn't be the game because let's face it, they're
smarter than us. Typically.
They're a lot better strategic
strategic lists doing our guys typically are pretty dumb when they fall
right into this. So usually this is the woman playing the jealous chip,
but a man can do in other relationships. I don't really want to go into
because I don't know. But here's what happens.
Woman is in
a relationship with the women like to have attention. I understand that
and we as men sometimes forget them are stupid. And we don't give them
the attention that they need and they ask for it all kinds of ways.
Other than saying I need more attention and try things that they think
we can decipher and read. Again.
Speaking by myself, and I think most men are pretty ignorant to these things.
this goes on and on and eventually the wife gets really feeling that
she needs more attention that she's getting no fault of yours. He says
it is not conducive to what she's saying.
So what she'll do is go and find somebody
and use that somebody to make her significant. Jealous, ie a jealous chick.
go into a bar or restaurant typically a bar, sit by this guy and make
him think she's interested or there's something there. And then what her
significant other comes in.
She plays the same thing to make him
jealous because she's trying to elicit a response. A feeling of I need
you and she's not getting and she's using you or whoever that jealous
chip is as a bargaining tool. So she's manipulating two people at once. And most women can do this very, very well. And most men fall prey. Bingo, right into it.
you're just being used by friends. You're just being played as a game.
You're being played as a poker chip. You are the jealous chip. A lot of
times when women do this, the significant other gets doesn't understand
what's going on, and a fight starts off okay, this also feeds right into
what she needs. He's fighting for her. So he needs her. He keeps
fighting because he needs her and she's sucking that energy right and
she needs and then there's a third person who's just caught off guard
has gotten probably no clue what's going on. And they're gonna self
assault. My point is, I've always said I don't play yours. This is a big
I fell into it a while back that I thought and thought and
thought about it and realized jealous. So guys understand this didn't
happen all the time. When you see these games coming up, or girls, when
you see these games coming up. You see timeout is demo refused to be the
bargaining chip refuses to be the one being used to elicit a response.
Especially if you don't know what's going on. Okay, let me stop doing
this. Okay, you don't need you can ask somebody for attention. You don't
have to get somebody else, a third person involved in this to make your
significant other jealous.
So this is the jealous chip. Have you ever been on one of those? I bet you have
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