Hello folks, making sure everything here is working properly. How
are you doing today. I apologize if there's any wind noise I am outside.
It is a rather damp drizzly overcast kind of a day, but I felt very
strongly about the need to get this message out. I want to call this
podcast ID as an ID versus Eagle. I've talked about the ego before ever
really talked about the ID. The ID. So I want to compare and contrast
these two and see how it or they play out in everyday life. Now, I'm
gonna say, talk about these from my perspective for things that have
happened to me but I can guarantee you, I think this will probably
resonate with 99.5% of the rest of you, and it's not being a bad thing.
But let's talk about the Define ID. ID to me is your identity, Id
identity you know sometimes it's short for identity it, your identity,
sits over here in the side of your shoulder. And then of course we have
our ego that sits over here on this shoulder, and they are always
constantly in battle. Although your ego will ultimately, almost always,
unless you're aware of it, win a battle with the head, it'll always be
the mouthpiece, your mouthpiece, it'll always be talking for you. When
your IDs going on oh no no I already feel that way, but the ego will
always win out. So I'm gonna say there's a word, you can be, Id centric,
or ego centric, I think I just made those up, but I'm gonna use those
two. If you had a choice between the two, obviously, more enlightened
being would say the best way to be is be ID centric and get rid of this
ego centric stuff, because what's your, if you were egocentric which
most of us are, you know, your ego is always saying things like, you
know I'm better than this person I know more than this person I'm taller
I'm prettier I'm cuter and more handsome. I'm healthier I'm, that I'm a
better person than them, I can do more than I'm smarter than they are.
It goes on and on and on, and you're just going no, no, no, no, stop
thinking that way. Yeah, I'm not better than anyone. We're all equal,
but you're in will almost always be overridden, and over shadowed by
your ego. And most of us fall into this category, including yours truly.
So many times we get into conversations with people, and your ego takes
over. Don't What did you do. I'm a retired this is who you know, who
cares, you know, but that's our first question in our mouth and we meet
somebody. So what do you do, and it's really a ridiculous way to start a
conversation because it means nothing, but your ego again will take
over your mouth in your brain and start spreading this stuff up. You can
also think of your Eagle working here in your head working here. How
many times have I said we need to connect with our heart more than our
brain. So, do we need an eagle, you know, at our age, my age, no, maybe
when we're growing up, maybe, maybe, there comes a point in time I don't
know what that number is, let's say, graduate high school, or let's say
you're 20 years old 25 I don't know what the numbers but there comes a
point in time, at least by my age, where that egos doesn't do you any
good at all. Actually it harms you more than anything else stops you for
finding out your true identity. Right, a situation like that I can
relate to just recently I gone through, not gonna mention anyone's names
or anything, I'm gonna try not to say too much about it but I was in a
friendship with some people, and he got to a point where my ego was was
running the friendship, my ego was doing things that I didn't like. And I
knew I had to stop it. It had to, it had to stop, to help the other
person. In other words, that person or persons that I was in a
relationship or friendship with. I was allowing my ego to control that
friendship, I was allowing my ego to make decisions. And in the end, it
was going to if it already did hurt the other people and they didn't
deserve that. Now, yeah, I can look at those other people and say well
they're very egocentric, too, because I got some very nice replies. When
I decided to stop this friendship. But that's neither here nor there
that's for them to figure out, but I, I had to work at me, and I
realized that my ego was doing things that I was wasn't comfortable
with. I don't want to put anybody in that position. They don't deserve
it. So I abruptly stopped it, and like I said there was a lot of Heather
and tether here nor there, but I did because of my ego was doing
something that I was, I wasn't happy with. Now, we can all go down that
road and we do every day, probably, I think understanding did learn to
talk with the head. And I think ego is going to be a lifelong
commitment. It's not something that's just going to go like that and
it's all worth because I want it like that. This is always going to want
to come back, this is always going to want to come back into my
decision making and my choices, and they need to be aware of it, as well
as you need to be aware of it if you truly want to be able to relate to
your ID to your heart. Understand that ego that little, little devil.
He ain't going away, unless you keep pushing away. I think if you can
understand it, see what's happening and what's the old adage of cut it,
nip in the bud. After so many points of nipping it in the bud maybe I
don't know a year's worth two years worth. It'll eventually stop. That's
what I'm hoping. Hope is not a continuous commitment the rest of my
life, but we have to see it first. We have to see that our ego is
running, what's going on, and we need to stop and say, oops, game over.
You know, again this may take a lot of a lot of work. It may take years
of practice, but I aim to do that. And I did that with this one
situation and is hard as it was to do, it was the right thing to do. I
needed to take my ego out of that situation. Maybe someday, those on the
other end will realize what it was done for, maybe not. Maybe they'll
see this video. No, I'm talking about them. But the whole intention
behind it was to not hurt somebody or not allow my ego to set them up to
get hurt. That was the only reason. And the only way to stop it would
be to stop it. As hard as it might be. So, are you egocentric, or are
you ID centric, chances are your egocentric, because most people are
most people are, and we can stop it, but it's gonna take conscious
effort every day for all of us to stop it. And I'm hoping eventually,
The more and more I can see these and hopefully the more and more you
can see what you're doing, and you put a stop to it. Eventually it'll
just become second nature and this ego will just kind of fade away into
oblivion and will truly be Living from the heart for American. So, I
hope you've learned something, please like and subscribe I think you'll
see email address down here to go to my website, this will be my website
as well as a YouTube channel where you can like and subscribe. But on
the website if you look inside, you're going to see a share bar and you
can, please add up those shares, that'd be great. So with that, folks,
I'm going to say peace out. Alright Spock would say live long and
prosper right. Enjoy your life. Good luck. Love y'all. Bye.