
What is Casting Artist name
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What is Casting(2) Artist name
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Today's Topic: Society and Casting
Carrying on with yesterdays EGO topic, this tends much the same.
Here's the scenario your in a restaurant and your friend introduces you to someone new. What typically is the first "ice Breaking" question out of our mouth's???
..What do you do?
Who really cares and here's why. We typically ask that question so we can cast someone based on their position. We then assertain(usually subconsciously- EGO-)whether or not their ranking in society will benefit us. In other words if I associate with someone that society deems as high ranking, important etc than that will increase my "casting" in society as well. I really could care less who they are but want to use them to increase my status.EGO EGO EGO
We all do it and its pathetic. Who has ever taken the time to look past their status and honestly find out who the human is behind all that?
Society wants us all "ranked" ie Captain, Major, General etc
Far to often when a person enters a restaurant/bar or what ever and someone asks who is that typical answer is "oh thats the Bank President", or "Thats the FBI Agent", or "Thats the airline pilot".
What have we come to? The homeless person probably has more to offer society than those with rank and status but yet we still pay no attention to them :(
Casting is nothing but a method to increase our stature. Society must put you into a "pigeon hole" and you must live there!
Awareness if the first step in making any changes.
We can all make changes once we understand why we do things !

Good morning, folks.
Welcome to my new venue for the next three months.

I'll apologize You made her first turn out occasionally. Hopefully it won't talk.

Today's topic I want to talk about something which I coined the term casting.

What is casting

is casting good is casting bad for us, relatively speaking.

We'll learn through this video whether or not casting is what it is people do this. They learn this again at a very early age.

Casting is used by people the purpose of the casting is for people to gain acclamation to gain points to gain prestige, and other people's success.

In other words, casting is the ability of a person or group of people to know someone to claim to someone to fake friendships with people that they deem are in a higher caste, a higher position than they are, so by befriending these people, what it does for them is it makes them look better in society. Well, I know the President, my good friend is the President of the United States, my good friend is a bank CEO. I don't want these important people and you as a person throughout your entire life. If you're surrounded by these people, unfortunately, are cast. You never have the ability to become who you are. It's always what you were and what you did. No one ever looked into your heart and said who are you?

What are you about? Instead, they looked at what you did? What's the first question you're asked when you meet somebody? Almost inevitably, I asked you find myself asking you that to stop. Well, what do you do? It's a real film what you do whether you're a policeman, a fireman, a EMT, a doctor, a lawyer, an airline pilots are irrelevant. But when you become cast, to those figures, when you become stuff, and your whole life is well, here comes the bank president.

Even when you're retired, you'll still be known as the bank person or the airline pilot. And they cast you because they want to befriend you, knowing you, makes them look better in society. That's the only reason they don't want to know you for who you are because they would all those washed away. They'd say, Who are you deep inside?

They truly want to know about you, but they don't. All they want to know about is What have you achieved, what is your status in society? How can that casting improve my status? Because that's the bottom line. It's not about you as a person. I'm sorry. I hate to tell you that the majority of people started voting. I lived in a town where that's all it was. Other than a town for 20 years, retired doing my job, but I was always known as that person. And I don't want to mention accent I want to bring it up and that's who I was. I was never who I am.

I was never Mitchell buyer. Never. Who are you as the person what makes you tick? What do you like? What do you not tell me about you? It's never that it was the ball. What did you do today? What can your status that I perceive do for me? How can it make me better in society? That's what casting is.

It's by using someone else's.

I don't want to call that as someone else's accomplishments to improve your status from what you think your status is in society.

because that's what casting is, in my belief in society that I run into and more times than not.

I've run to it all the time. Oh, you're the blank like, Oh, you're blank blank.

Because the minute you walk on door in a place, oh, he was an airline, airline pilot. He was a police officer. He was a president of the bank. Many who walked out the door. That's what's being told Bucky because no one really wants to know who you are.

What makes you tick?

So that's casting folks.