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2nd Admendment

Good afternoon. I am on my walk so we may hear some external sounds. And I apologize for those this audio cast is going to be called the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms and what I think of that


Think For Yourself

Good morning, folks. Today I'm doing my walk again where I can think the best. Oh nature. The trees are changing their beautiful oranges and reds, some greens mixed in the leaves are falling it's a beautiful time to be alive, but then isn't every day


Agenda 21

Morning. Excuse me. Good morning, folks. Yes, I'm doing my walk and again this is when I get most inspired. I want to talk to you about something which is very important, excuse me for one second. .


I'll Never Vote Again EVER!!

Everything in our world has been, has always been and probably will always be a lie. That includes the notion that we have any say at all in our government, whose been elected etc.


 99% of Our Government is Corrupt

  I want to call it they're all corrupt and I can get on my bandwagon with this one and I hope I don't. I want to talk about our politicians in our current state of government. Excuse me. Every almost every politician but maybe a handful in our government is corrupt.


 Russia is NOT our Enemy!

Why Russia is good. Russia number one saved our ass in World War Two. Let's not forget that. They saved our ass in World War Two. While we were busy shooting at the Japs, mostly Japanese, okay. They took them out in Berlin and got got to him. So they saved our ass but let's let's get into more of today's math



Pattern Recognition

 I have for a long time probably the last 5 or so years been keenly aware of a set pattern of numbers that I seem to see all the time. That sequence is "757". Thought that was quite odd but since I flew the Boeing 757 for many years


Find YOUR Keystone

But I've come across an idea, which I think is very important. Something I've been researching and looking into for quite a few months now. And I think I might have a handle on it. Once again, my interpretation of this podcast is called finding your key stone.


Do You GET it yet?

I think this is going to be a very, very important podcast. Audio cast, because I'm going to call it. Do you get it. Yep.
  It's taking me a lot of time, a lot of research through many many years to get to a point where I'm starting to believe. I'm actually starting to get started you understand what's going on here.


Crossing Timelines!

Hi, folks, today, I want to share an experience that I had. And not the BS social or analytical article, but an experience that I had. And It took me quite a few years to be able to put two and two together
with it.



Religion specifically organized main stream religion, this is a rather lengthly topic that I am sure will garner many comments, but here goes. This is something that has been in mankind and humankind's
presence, since the beginning of time, what is religion.


What is Time?

Time... were all subject to it, at least that's what we've been told our entire life. Time to go to bed, time to go to work, time to go to your appointment, time to live, time to die etc etc. So what is this enigmatic word "Time"??


Do Coincidenses Happen?

 What are your thought's on coincidence's? Personally I do not believe in them, I think everything was meant for a reason and there are absolutly NO such things as a coincidence. Your thoughts?  Let's talk today about coincidences.


What is Frequency?

 What is frequency/density all about?  Okay, let's talk today about frequency frequency density. They're synonymous. Everything in the universe is based on frequency, everything vibrates at its own distinctive frequency Planet Earth has its own frequency


The Matrix

 The Matrix what is it? I hear it being talked about quite frequently but I am still confused.  Okay, let's talk today about the matrix, not the movie The Matrix bit in a sense, very much, the movie The Matrix. Because what the matrix movie is portraying.


Sheep No More!

 One picture tells the whole story. If there is one main theme that I designed this website around it was this theme. The most important article on the site is this one, at least for now so lets get into it> The title "Sheep no more.." says it all.




Okay, this is another very deep article but I want to talk about the controllers of this world. I will refer to them as the Cabal, also known as the Illuminati. If you do some research you'll find out that hundred percent of the world is owned


UFO's and ET's

 We've heard about it our entire life, ever since we were children, Little Green Man, men from Mars. And we've been taught that if you believe in these things, now you're called are labeled a conspiracy theorist.


What is Karma?

We've all heard about good karma bad karma. And we've all heard about when we leave this plane that we're all going to have a life review. Well I tend to believe that we will all have this life review.


Get OFF Your Knees !

 And the articles would be called Get off your knees. And what I mean about that is. Get off your knees, stop praying and asking for help, divine help from somebody else.


Everything is a LIE

 What if 99.9% of everything, you know, have learned. CNN TV, read on the internet, etc. is a lie. I watched a good YouTube video about this exact principle yesterday, and they basically said that 99.9% 100% of everything we've ever known, and have ever been taught is a lie.


Cat's and Dog's

  Looking at dogs two cats playing with each other. I want to throw this idea out there and get you to think about IQ remember when I was child. That was a while ago.
  Some of you that are younger may not remember this, but I do remember this.


Is Life Linear ?

 But I want to start off with this one, and I'm going to call this one is life linear and first we have to define the word linear what is linear mean well linear is something that starts at point A and goes this way to point B and that's the end of it.


Life in a periscope

But understand schools aren't at schools anymore Like we used to know them. Their indoctrination camps. But ever since we've been young, we've been taught to live our life in a bubble. And I want to say a periscope where we live our life like this,


Stop the Play

  A lot of things are happening right now. What I've learned is that life goes on. But we as people human beings. In this life structure, are in a play. In other words, we're characters in a big play a play that we do not.


What the "Law of Attraction" Isn't

I want to call this podcast what the law of attraction isn't. And I've thought a lot about this like everybody has in this, it's a very dcbs term law of attraction. Now what we have to understand is society. As always, has tried to control the narrative. In other words, control, what we believe is true so they have integrated upon us over many years



How we're Programmed

 And the one is this one, that the dark wanted us to believe that nothing will ever change. Everything will always remain the same and there'll be just repeat after repeat. So I sat there and I thought about that for some reason that resonated with me


You're a Debt Slave

 You need to see this system. It's called two words, a debt slavery system. In other words, you buy something go in debt, pay interest on it, and become a slave to the money the rest of your life now how many people are there? Well, we've all been there.


Turn the Other Cheek? Hell No!

 And good people do this bad people. Bad people don't do this, but good people do. And what that is, is to use a famous colloquialism, quote unquote turn the other cheek. If you've been wronged, turn the other cheek and give them a chance give them a second, third, fourth, or fifth or sixth or seventh chance to do better


Those who Get it and those that Don't

 We could talk a whole lot more about whatever but karma is gonna get shot. Eventually karma is gonna get shot. So if you will, it doesn't even understand karma. Listen to it. Become one that does. One day does one day gets it and says I can't continue like this. It almost killed me.


Knowing vs acting souls-NPC

. I'm sitting at a park today and a lot of times when I sit here I have these epiphanies and haven't talked about this before, but I want to call this video knowing souls versus acting souls. And there is a big difference but I've kind of covered it in other podcasts, but I want to go over to you.


Look at Me Generation

  But as I was walking down the beach, I thought of a good good topic and the topic is going to be called the
show me sorry scratch yet the Look At Me Generation not show me look at the reason I see this as I was down at the beach and there was a woman by herself in the water


My Walk-In Experience !

 To summarize what a walking is, is basically instead of a soul incarnating within a fetus A soul can walk into an already existing human being. Once multitude of times. And the key is when that happens. The soul is now inheriting the body remembers all of the past experiences of the past soul in the past.


I will NEVER Comply !

 xcuse me, and I hope you won't either. I hope those of you who did comply with the first mandates are realizing what they're trying to do to us with the second mandates and it will say no, you are the only salvation we really have until we can band together as a group of human beings, a majority group of human beings and we all say take it and shove it until that happens.


Become who you were mean to be

 But this has happened to me quite frequently. I call these synchronicities. I see things I see numbers like 757707 727-737-1111 all these numbers all the time, all the time. They're always in my face, and they're always there. I call them synchronicities. I believe these synchronicities happen for a reason because I do not believe in the word coincidence. To me, coincidences do not exist. Here's a good example of one. I'm not making this up.


Fear does NOT Exist

 I'm gonna call this podcast. We live in fear and everything starts from when your child obviously, they replace you again, everything you've done. It's always been fear based. In other words, there's always a consequence of fear.



What is Ascension Really?

Well, first thing we have to understand is the back end of the idea behind ascension, like almost everything else in our world has been hijacked by the three letter agencies, and we all know who they are. And they've taken it to control the population like they have with religions and everything else.


What Real Friendship Is!

Hope all is well. Yes, I'm sitting here at three o'clock in the morning. It seems like this is times when I have astute, very strong ideas and beliefs, and if I allow them to continue till the morning, when I wake up, a lot of the strength and oh, I don't want to see positivity, but I will the strength of the thought is gone. So I'm relatively awake. I thought I might as well record this one, because it's in another important one. Trying to figure out why it happened.



What am "I" going to Do?

 Are You a "What Am I" kind of person? You ask what is a "What Am I" person one who is always creating plans and :
"What Am I going to do tonight"?
What Am I going to do next week"?
What Am I going to do tomorrow"?
What Am I going to make for dinner"?


When is Enough Truly Enough?

 But I want to call this audio cast. When is enough Enough? What Have you got enough? When do you call it, I've got enough. I don't need to work anymore. I don't need to do anything anymore. I'm fine. I'm happy. When is enough, Enough.


Your EGO

 Today's walking topic EGO
Something we all have, and as we progress though our journey it may(more likely than not) influence our perstpective of ourselves and the world in which we live.
Far to often I believe we make decisions based on our EGO. We allow our EGO to influence rational decision making.


Your Beliefs

I had a conversation today that made me think about this with someone. And we talked about mainstream movies and the items that are in it, and an item came up and this person said, I can't believe that that's on these movies and it's all over the TV it's in our face all the time, and I really, I really think it's wrong and you could tell they had a very strong feeling. They had very strong concrete beliefs about the subject matter.


Reality and Victimhood

 What is reality? Does it exist? Well it must. In my research and understanding reality exists in the matrix( more articles about this). That is to say that YOU create you own reality, each and every one of us does. If you have good positive feeling and thoughts reality will create itself for you in good and positive outcomes.


We exist in a Tunnel

Well, I was sitting in town today, having my cup of tea, realize that realizing that my field of vision, what I look at, typically what we all look at,is straight ahead,to each side into the down, we don't look up, we look almost like we're looking through a tunnel,


Don't fight the system?

 Good morning, this article I'm going to call, don't fight the system. Don't fight the system. What what do I mean by that?  I know many people, including myself, who try to fight the system, and all it does is lead to depression, unhappiness, chaos, conflict. And that's what the dark entities feed on our unhappiness.


AI and Society

 Hello, today I want to create an article called AI and the human race. There's been lots of news about artificial intelligence and human beings. And what is going on in the population today. If you look at artificial intelligence, it's in its infancy at this point, with smartphones, etc, and smart watches.


Fast food is BAD!

 Good morning. This article I want to call health and eating properly.  And the system that is what it does. Think about eating food. We all must have it society's created such a busy lifestyle for everyone that they have to work sometimes two and three jobs to make ends meet. They don't have the time, nor the energy more of the time to eat and create a healthy meal every day and cook a healthy meal at home.


Is "Selfish" only a word?

 Good afternoon, you may hear a little sound in the background. That is a lake I'm sitting by. But I wanted to talk today about the word selfish, and selfishness, what it is, what it takes, what it's done to people in the past, what continues to do the people. If you think of the word selfish, it's not a good word, it's got a negative connotation to it.



LOVE is in our DNA

 Hello, good morning. Today's article is going to be called Love, it's in our DNA.  What do I mean by that. Well, in a nutshell, I believe, each and every one of us, and no one is an exception to the rule has the ability to unconditionally love someone else, it's in our DNA. It's inherent to us as human beings.


No "I" in Team

 Today's going to be a little different article, than normal.
  Because there are some positive points I want to bring out what I've just witnessed. I was down to the park and I witnessed a whole bunch of young kids or five six years old and their green shirts on playing on a soccer team.


Power of Positive thought

 I want to call this article of power positive thought. We've all heard it referred many seminars, and we've seen it on the internet, we've seen it on TV, individuals talking about how important it is to think positively. And I thought it was a good thing was a good idea, but I had a hard time enforcing it


You are what you EAT

 this is going to be a rather short podcast, but it's called you are what you eat. We've all been there, we've all gone through and heard about all the bad meats and everything in this world. I've always thought and new and heard my entire life that the human digestive system was designed not for red meats, but designed for fruits and vegetables.


Are you a "Bird in a Cage"

This audio cast is going to be called, are you a bird in the cage? And it pretty much parallels my last one about being in the box and out of the box.But I have a conversation with my friend this morning and I thought maybe this might be a better way to clear up the point I was trying to make if you didn't quite get it with the other audio cast.


Listen to your Heart FIRST!

This one is going to be called when your heart talks. Listen, man. And This is going to be geared more towards men than women, because men and women think and act differently. As a man, I can only relate to the male side of it all thank God for females being able to relate through their side of it, because it's kept us in check for many years.


No Shortcut for Life Lessons

 These things come to me and my walk for some reason, I don't know, it's where I have the most open mind and feel closest to nature but today's podcast is going to be called there are no shortcuts for life lessons period.


What is a Collective Consciousness?

   Collective consciousness synergy. In a nutshell, it's really about what this site is about. I broken it down into various various subgroups and all the articles.  But this is kind of the conglomeration  of what I'm trying to get across in this site.  So let's talk about CCS.


Corruption & Greed in our World

  If you could only understand how deep this really is, it's really coming to my attention that you we are controls 100% of the time 100% of the time. It's just amazing if you listen to some of these in depth, researching how people in high places and there's one that just happened to je are the Nationals and this person some apparently, quote unquote committed suicide.


Don't look behind yourself

 Here's what it's going to talk about. It's going to talk about the presence of something behind you. Let me preface this with a little bit of physics that I do understand. And I am no genius when it comes to physics. We have Einstein in physics to equals mc squared.



Why Inheritance is BAD!

 And I want to talk explicitly about businesses, money, etc. and why it's bad. You know why people work their whole life to save hundreds of thousands of dollars to pass away and give it on to their children, or work their whole life building an empire a nice company, and die and pass it on to their children, and why this is a bad


State of Marriage today

 Today I want to talk about something which I I don't have a lot of experience because I'm going to talk about women and marriage, being a man I really can't claim to know everything about a woman how she feels. But sometimes it's easier there's more insightsfrom the outside looking in the inside looking out if you know what I mean.


Are you Afraid of being Alone?

 Are you afraid of being alone.
We've all experienced this throughout our lives, because we've been told since the womb, that we were to be with somebody. We start off being in a family we become dependent on that family as a child to sustain our life.


Don't lose your Identity

Don't lose your identity. And what I mean about that come to my attention after many years of being alive, that we, including me. All of us, or at least the majority of us seem to willfully give up our identity to our significant others. And I've had this happen to me throughout my entire life.


The Parent trap

 The Parent Trap. Because I see it happening all the time. I see it happening my own family. And I've been subject to the Parent Trap. What is the Parent Trap. Well, let's think about it, let's put ourselves in a situation that we've all been in the majority of us have.


Why do we Worry?

  And I guess it's more why I worry, but I think I'm commensurate with 99.9% of the people in this world. Why we worry. You've always heard people say, Stop worrying about it it's going to happen anyhow. Stop worrying about it, let it just happen.


OK now what?

 I was listening to a very very very good researcher on YouTube. And I won't mention her name but she's very good. And she's been doing a lot of research and finding out how connected. Everybody is in this world as far as how they're richer connected to the rich and big corporations are connected to the rich, and they control everything under them us.


What are NPC's?

  Are you an NPC NPC MPC playing European know I've heard from researchers like Dolores Cannon who was in the business for 40 to 50 years. She called these NPCs backdrop, people. I've heard from Gosha a cosmic agency with her contact with the Floridians, they call them non real people. And I've heard them referred to as non PCs non playing characters.


Stop being a Hoarder

I was at the dollar store today getting some groceries, and I looked into this person's car, and the backseat was full of toilet paper and water full. I mean, they must have bought the bloody store out. Okay. It's this hoarding exists kind of mentality, it's me before everybody else that's gotten us into where we are today, in the first place.


I don't like them!

 Okay, with that being said I want to get to the meat of this, maybe short video and it's going to be called. I don't like him, or them, or I don't like him or her. I was out the other day and I ran into a person and I stopped and took a walk to talk to him. And we talked for a while and he was very cordial talk very nice talk. I don't know this person at all.



What can a puddle teach us?

And I stopped and looked at one puddle, I don't know two feet long, two feet wide, two inches deep, something like that. And I looked into it.

And I saw two things.Here's your challenge. Look into a puddle of what do you see, most people will say, Well, I see gravel I see rocks I see sand. I see asphalt. Whatever's underneath it.


Are you living life Backwards?

 Are you living your life backwards. And then let me explain what I mean about that, because I lived my life backwards for a long, long time. We can live our life from the outside in, which is backwards, or from the inside out, which is the way to live your life. We're taught from a very young childhood that we live our life backwards.


What is a Walk-In?

  I'll try to put it on my best terms is a soul that walks into an avatar, and takes takes control of the Avatar from that point forward. They're called walk into souls. From what I understand is, a lot of times, many times.
Many people can have many walk ins over a lifetime.
I also understand that some people may only have one and that's the one that they're born with.


How to manifest anything

 One of the things I've heard was everything is happening now, there's no tomorrow, there's no yesterday, it's just in the now was hard for me to understand until somebody said, think of life as multiple timelines. And that made it a little bit easier. But then when they said, think of life, as movie clips, individual movie clips. Countless movie clips of every scenario that could possibly happen to you in your lifetime.


Are you the Jealousy Chip?

 Are you being used and played by your significant other as a bargaining tool, if so than maybe your her "Jealousy Chip" seen this before, been there done that well read more to see what is really going on here!


Your ID vs EGO

 I want to call this podcast ID as an ID versus Eagle. I've talked about the ego before ever really talked about the ID. The ID. So I want to compare and contrast these two and see how it or they play out in everyday life.


Don't Waste your Breath

They're not using their own. They're not using what's here. They're not they're not looking into what's there. That is their choice. Okay. But here's what's happening. If you are more enlightened soul who don't believe in this or this and ever did try to explain to them your reasoning because you will exist on different planes of reality.


Why I'm Frustrated!*%

Not all guys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, folks all around and a while since I put out a video
it's been a while feeling the need to get some things off my chest I don't know where to begin because this is a huge topic for myself I'm finding that I am stumbling with allowing those that are not quite awake and probably never will be allowing them to frustrate me when they can't see what's going on right in front.


Music Lyrics Beware!

 Well, that is just really, really reinforced by a lot of the musical lyrics for many songs, not just now, but for a long time and if you listen to him, you'll hear that now, with that being said, I'm not going to talk about the rap crap, because I hate that junk. is the epitome of the icing on the cake.


Everything is a LIE!

 And I think one of the most important things a person can do is probably one of the hardest things you're going to have to do is you need to realize and I've said this before, and I'm sorry if I read on it, but I'm gonna say it again, stat important. You need to realize that everything you know, been told, read here is a lie.



Obsession is BAD!

  Because of a few reasons we'll jump off state obsession can get bad and people do strange strange things. When they become obsessed with somebody else. They lose the ability to rationalize and understand everybody has got a choice in the world.


Never Fear being Alone

 I don't want to talk about relationships and being alone and what that entails mostly, I think a lot of this isn't my own. My own beliefs I think a lot of relationships that are at least a lot of them that I had. We lived I don't want to say a lie, but it was kind of alive.


You're To OLD

 And I want to talk about some things that are really quite misunderstood. Because this term you're too old is like hundreds upon hundreds of others. There are mis used, they're used without the knowledge. You've been told this quote, and you just reuse it. You're too old. What does that mean?


Why They Always LIE!

 They lied they continue to lie because they've gotten away with it for so long. No one has ever done anything they think they can just continue doing the same thing. And the same results will happen. Remember that we talked about the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again.


My Time is more Important

  I want to call this little voice log. My time is more important than yours. And let me explain what I mean about this. How many times have you been with someone or had plans with someone? In is typically the same person that does this.


Nothing is designed to make life better

  I want to call this podcast designed to make my life easier slash better. I want to talk about things in our world. That are a fallacy that we've been led to believe we're made to make our lives easier or maybe we made that up. Maybe we were never told that anywhere


General DR. Never Again

 This is going to be called doctors no more for me. I saw a really good article from Dana White of UFC today on X Twitter. And it rang a bell for me it was like yes, I've been thinking that all along. And basically what he's saying in a nutshell, and I'll explain my personal religious reasons in a bit here, he's not going to a general doctor ever again. And I have felt exactly that way.


Sun is not what you think

I want to call this podcast everything you think you know about the sun, but really don't. And it a Pitta Mises pretty much our lives. We've been told things we've been taught things and we've just accepted the truths or what we thought was a truth about things and I've never questioned anything and one of them is a sun.


Climate Change is a LIE

 Climate change is a hoax. And I want to explain that and I want to go on a couple small little tangents a little sidebars as we go on. So excuse me as I do that, that there's some things out there that are important, but they don't want a whole podcast,


Dance to Your Own Drummer!

I was walking today and I thought of this perfect podcast that I should put on my website. And this can be called I dance to my own drummer and like to explain that because I think it's an important philosophy that well all people if not many, but all people should become accustomed to it.



Main Stream Media & Movies

 Hope you're all doing well. I'm going to call this podcast, mainstream media and the movies because they kind of work hand in hand. But movies, the junk that we have on television, I would like you all to start becoming aware of what you're seeing and what's really being put out there.


Money Root of all Evil

 Money what is it really? Does it really exist? I say no in reality money is something with no backing, ie gold. It is generated from paper and when it goes into your bank it only exists as a 1 or 0 in a computer. One push of the button(or wrong button) and its all gone, never existed then what?


What is Casting?

Here's the scenario your in a restaurant and your friend introduces you to someone new. What typically is the first "ice Breaking" question out of our mouth's???
..What do you do?
Who really cares and here's why. We typically ask that question so we can cast someone based on their position.


What is Duality?

 Okay, let's discuss duality. What is duality. Well, it definitely is a man made construct... duality is the principle of up and down, left and right. Yes and no. Plus or minus. Good and Evil, etc etc etc. , you get the idea. Everything in society is dualistic welll almost anyway.  It's either one or the other, you only have two choices.Is this totally true



 But the word entitlement means it's something they're giving you so they can just as easily turn around and take that something away, and they want to today. So there's a real problem with the term entitlements, Medicare, Medicaid, most of us spend our entire lives, paying for high priced health insurance.



 But today I want to talk about one section in particular. And that section being the control structure of addictions, what they're set up for, what they're designed for that I believe, and what their purposes. There's all kinds of addictions. And I want to speak today about just a few of them. I want to speak about the nicotine addiction was cigarettes, the alcohol addiction and the opioid heroin addiction.


Why is there Suffering?

 This podcast is going to be about the idea that we've all struggled with our entire life. Why is there suffering, why is their disease. Why are they there these bad things have happened.  And I don't want to sound too cold or too callous with my answer. But if you think about it for a bit. And you ponder on it. You see the idea behind this, or the sense in it.


Darkness & Evil

But I'd like to distinguish what evil is, or the devil, as we've always been taught our whole life. When you hear the word evil, or the devil, The first thing that comes to mind is big horns, Red, Pitchfork, and steals your soul. You know what we've been taught as a kid, Even though we've been taught through religion.


Knight in Shining Armor Syndrome

  The knight in shining armor syndrome, knight in shining armor syndrome will explain that in a minute.  It's for people like myself, who have definitively without a shadow of a doubt.  Born and raised and have abandonment issues. In other words, you were in a home as a child, in which you felt abandoned, there was no love.


My thoughts about Christmas

 And just looking at the beauty of nature. Anyways, you might hear a little bit of background noise. That's what's going on it. This one's going to be about Christ mass. Christmas. I was walking, thinking about Christmas, which is coming up in a month and a half or a few months, whether or not I'm going to put up my Christmas tree.



Life is like a Play

  I want to call this article, Life is a play it act. Here's What I mean about that. If you think about life in its essence, Life is a play, in which there's millions and billions and billions of characters. Every play is got a character, they've got a main character, they got supporting characters supporting, supporting, the list goes on.


Take Ownership

 Take ownership and own your feelings.
  And What I mean about this is
  everybody at some point in their lives, Hopefully earlier than later, needs to take responsibility and ownership for all the past things they've done. Be a good or be bad, we always will take ownership for good things. But a lot of us don't want to take ownership for things we've done wrong.


Step out of your Bubble

  Let's make believe when we were born. We're born into a bubble. We come out of the womb and yeah we lived in the placenta for nine months and now we're in another bubble. And we'll think of that bubble is our world.
  The one thing about the bubble that we're born into is we cannot see outside of the bubble. We can't perceive the outside world.


Can't take it with you

  I'm going to call this audio cast. You can't take it with you. And It's a pretty simple audio cast. It's about priorities. And our people in this world got them all mixed up, or at least a lot of people do. Everybody struggles for the biggest and the best and the most. I've got the biggest house, I've got the best motor job, I've got the largest 401k, I've got the largest bank account,


What is Law of Attraction/Mirrors

 I wanted to talk about something that I've heard a lot about, read a lot about listening a lot about. That's called a specific law called the law of attraction. Apparently it governs the universe. It's everywhere It is, it is a law, it is a viable laws called the law of attraction. Now, the first thing you're going to say, or we're going to probably think is the law of attraction as well.


Is Land Ownership real?

  I may create a special one but it's gonna be called is land ownership or real. This is something that we can really own in our lives. And when we think about ownership we think about getting something from somebody else. Let's say we went to a store and somebody was making moccasins. And I wanted the pair of moccasins that they worked and toiled to make, I would give them a form of currency or barter or whatever it is something of equal trade.


Lies and Deceit

  I want to call this audio test lies and deceit. I think one of the most. I don't want to call it an attribute. But one of the largest problems the human race has is the ability to lie to others, to create deceit amongst one another.
We can look at somebody straight in the eyes and lie to them. Can you imagine what a world would be if we knew and others were lying, or we never had the ability to lie,


Why Am I Here?

  I mean, if you ask anybody anything that's going to be their biggest question Why are we here. Why, And I think I've got a relatively simplistic answer to that question, at least I believe it to be true. We're here for one reason. Remember, I've always said, ain't taking nothing with your hopes and means you're not taking any of your money,


Globalism Will FAIL!

 Bernie Sanders loves globalism. Okay. And we were being set up for many, many, many years. The Obamas the Bush's the Clintons. We were being set up to be a globalist ik world. And guess who would be the rulers For the elite, I hate using that term because they're nothing but a bunch of pricks, but who would be the puppeteers?


Covid19 is a HOAX!

 If you are new to my website, Mitch Meyer calm, you'll notice that I put a pop up on there which basically says cool vid 19 is a hoax. I wanted to explain that a little bit so everybody didn't think I was just a kook. Okay, so here's my explanation of what I really mean by that. First thing you have to do is think rationally and reasonably. Okay. You know the old saying if it looks like a duck. It quacks like a duck chances are it's a duck. Well, so same thing applies here.



When do Your Scales finally tip?

 If we knew a fraction of what they knew of what our science knows of water medicine knows, whatever energy, all the things we have that are classified. You should know about them nor I classified that they keep hidden from us. They keep secret from us, because we can't handle the truth. Right. Well we might need it to blow up Russia, stop with the warring already.


Only take what you need

 For the first time in your life you've had two months at home. Hope it's good. I know will be 100% of the time. But you've had two months of home to spend with your family, going on walks cooking dinners, watching TV for whatever good, that there is out there. The idea is you're spending it with your family, the ones you love.


Been Vacced Lately?

If I had a T shirt, my T shirt would say, I don't suffer from depression. I suffer from realism, because this is going to be a realistic video like all of mine are not going to be very optimistic. But it is what I think is going to happen in the near future. Disclaimer I'm not psychic. I don't get psychic readings I don't talk to whomever. This is just my feelings and my thoughts,


Love is like a Rock

This is a new video and I want to call it. Love is like a rock. And I think there's a song about loving a rock. Hmm. But anyways, I'm not plagiarizing from that, it's my own ideas, as I got as I was walking today called Love is like a rock. And let's think about a nice brown rock reasonably heavy that everybody's got when they're born and as they grow up, and eventually that rock becomes a fruition.


American Dream is Gone!

 I'm going to call this the American Dream is non existent the American dream does not exist it is dead. We're going to talk about the American dream and go into some other sidebars. But let me explain where I am today.


Our current Situation

 I mean, is there really a war going up?Does it really exist?
We don't know. We're at the mercy of mainstream media. And we know from many, many years back about how mainstream media to a sinking towards in lies about everything uses old images that are 20 years old. We can't believe a word that comes out of their mouth or their mouths.


You have been Played!

 Excuse me. And the reason I say you've been played and that we've been played is because I learned about this quite a while ago and knew this was the truth. So I guess I don't quite fit into that category right now, but the majority of people do, that's why it's gonna be called you've been played. This is about the current situation that's going on around the world and what's happening.


Why Halloween is Bad!

  So you can act and do things with no repercussions because no one knows probably who you are. Especially if you have a mask on your face. Hmm. So you can do things to people that you wouldn't do normally because your anonymity is maintained you're anonymous. So it can trick people in doing things that are not so nice to one another.


Everything is Advertisement

 You got to stop and think about it, because we've seen it for so long. You know, the old saying is, if you see something for so long, it becomes normalcy and you forget that it's even there. You just go on with your daily life and advertisement. Advertising has been there in every, every every aspect of our life for every every every day of it.
And that's how they shape us. That's how they coerce us. Lets us sit and think so I'm sitting here today doing this podcast and I'm looking around my room.


Do we Live in a World of Scarcity-NO!

And you're beginning to understand the perspective we've lived and where we live. This podcast is going to be called we live in a scarcity paradigm. And I want everybody to really think about this because it's actually the truth of what's going on. The world we live in, has been contrived it has been created,



Home Ownership is a LIE!

I was looking at a tweet on X today, and a guy was a girl one of the two was bitching about $15,000 ahead of paying in taxes at the end of the year. Yeah, well, this is another situation. Another one where they've blindsided US and other one where they've fed us a line of shit


Nursery Rythmes De-Coded!

So, your young child, and I can remember reciting this exact nursery rhyme back as far as I could possibly go. I guess we got to my grandmother and grandfather or whatever. But well, grandma and grandpa or mom and dad or even brother and sister tell you to do some when you're young, over and over again,


Once you Conform-It's Over!

 This is going to be called once you conform, it's over. And I saw this firsthand. The other night I was in a restaurant and there was a lot of people sitting at their restaurant in the bar area. I was just looking at them and they were all doing the same thing. Okay, they've conformed


Relationship vs Controlship

And let's preface this about I understand to some point, being a male myself. I understand how women want someone to take care of them. I understand how that's in their, their nature, that's what they are. Doesn't make them bad. Okay. There's nothing like that. But they need that in their nature.


What is Adrenechrome?

Because little if nothing is being said about it right now. You don't even hear the word anymore. So like everything else it you know, they there's always an attention, something going on to get your attention off of something else and then within a week it's gone. But this has been talked about a lot in the past.


Symbolism and Brain Washing

 I want to call this podcast symbolizing symbolism is brainwashing. And what I mean by that is you'll see that there's an image and you see it's the Sinclair image. And I don't know how many of you remember this. I remember Sinclair gas stations. I used to always like them because they had the dinosaur on there


Excess Death's has Started!!!

This one's going to be called excess deaths in the world, younger people typically I think they the age is 25 to 50 and 51 to 64 the upper end of it not the real young and not the real old excess deaths. Boom. About 90% of them are heart related. If you look at the graphs, this didn't happen last time to this scale.


Professional Sports is Rigged!!

That is it's all rigged. It's all geared there is no you got a chance to win. It's the old adage, you know, they know who's gonna win, how they're gonna win ahead of time. Maybe the players don't, but those that control it, ie the refs do. And it's becoming blatantly obvious to some of the calls and the things they're making. But let's digress for a bit. Let's talk about sports from the very beginning.


There is NO Spoon!!!!

So if you're listening to this, or reading this podcast, understand its importance, I can't overestimate or over emphasize how important the philosophy and the principle the idea, which I'm going to try to tell you about to the best of my ability is because this really is, for lack of a better term that the cat and the canary the the mouse in the wheel, I don't know. It is the most important principle.


We Must Become ONE, or Lose

 I want to call this until we unite, we lose and here's my point about this. We truly are not black, white, green, yellow, orange, Muslim, American Catholic, blah, blah, blah. We are not that. We are the human race. Each and every one of us under our skin no matter what the color, no matter what the sex, no matter what the religion.



They're Destroying Our History

Our history is being deleted. And what do I mean about that? Well, let's look at the word first history. History is his story. Okay, it's about a story. It's about someone knowing something and writing it down or putting it somewhere to keep it solid through time. And look what's happening in our world today. Look at all of these monuments, George Washington's Paul Revere all of them.


If You Could Reverse Time Would You?

I want to call this podcast when they want to call it, blog. Would I change anything in my life if I could? And if you've looked into articles on this blog, you will find one called My Awakening. I don't need to rehash what happened to me about 15 years ago, but it changed my life forever. My life ceased at that point, and in one of the total different direction. Please listen to my awakening. Do a search for it. I don't know what category it's in.


They're Doing It To YOU Everyday!

Let me just call this podcast for those that have eyes to see. Just because you have eyes and you believe you can see so many of you I mean, so many of you are not seeing. Yes, you might have eyes, but you're not seeing what's right in front of your face. And that's what the impetus of this podcast is. It seemed me called you see what they're doing. Do you see what they're showing you?


Astral Parasites Exist BEWARE!!

Well, the first thing is we must define term astral. Astral comes from the fourth dimension. In other words, we live into third dimension. There's a fourth dimension above us, as well as the fifth and sixth and seventh and there goes on for a long time. Being that we're in the third, we cannot perceive that which exists above us, ie, fourth, fifth and sixth. We can perceive that which is below us


Cancer Cureable But....?????

And I'm sitting here in my chair, and I'm thinking about this big walk that's coming up in my area happens every year. And they call it the walk for breast cancer, I believe is breast cancer and you know, they they raised a lot of money and they they do a lot of good. And I sit there and I asked myself how many organizations are there around the world?


Why Did Some Content Go To Patreon?

I wanted to call this why did I elect to ship and move some of my content over to Patreon.
Let me give you a little background of the website to start with. I started the website about all five years ago. And my intention was at that time to put up content to help people that was the sole purpose of my site when it still is to help people gain insight into themselves and of what's going on around them.


What is Subliminal Indoctrination?

 The subconscious is being programmed the subconscious is being shown something taught something, but the conscious the conscious part of the human being cannot see it. So subliminal means there is things happening. You're just not aware of that. Okay?


Where Have I Been Lately???

 Hello, folks, how are you doing? I hope all is well with you, and I hope you had a good summer, because today is October, 10 or 12th and the summer is just about over. So here's wishing you a good summer. This is going to be a probably relatively long podcast, because I haven't been here in a while, and I'm here to explain why I haven't been here in four or five months. I guess I can get explicit in some things. I'll try not to get too explicit if I don't have to.


This is OUR Lives!!

So you have some idea what's going on here and where I've been, but I am back, and I just created another one that I thought was really, really interesting. This came to me the other night in my sleep. It made perfect sense. It fit every every cognitive measure that there was out there, everything that is being said everywhere this corresponded to it. Fit it perfectly, and it's going to be about where we are in our lives right now.


Modern Health Care Trying But...
Never to Reach Efficacy !

Today's blog is going to be called Modern medicine is trying, but it will never reach efficacy. And what do I mean about that? Well, I simply mean that as hard as modern medicine tries to cure diseases, it's in the game plan of Big Pharma and the FDA to make sure modern medicine never can cure diseases. They gave me cured a common cold, for God's sakes. And why is that? Well, that's pretty simple, because, as Big Pharma says, quote, unquote, there is no money in Healthy People.


"Hot Items"

Drones WTF are they Really!!!

It's just gotten really out of hand. It's gotten ludicrous. Some of the things they're saying about these drones, yes, this is going to be about the drones over the East Coast, what they are, where they are, what they came where they came from, etc, etc. I can't sit in my hands and not say anything anymore. It's just become a show, a joke, and it's just, it's humorous, it's ridiculous, it's humorous.


Why I Might Discontinue Site!!

Hello, folks. I hope somebody is truly listening to this, although recently I have my doubts. I want to give you a synopsis of the website, why it was created, and what's going on with it, and what my future plans are with it. I created the website probably six, seven years ago, with the sole intent to help other people try to understand other ideas, to embrace possibilities, to talk about them, to throw ideas out there and communicate amongst ourselves, throw out hypotheticals, things maybe people didn't understand or didn't think of right away, and that was the sole purpose of me designing this website. 
