Why I Might Discontinue Site!!
Hello, folks. I hope somebody is truly listening to this, although recently I have my doubts. I want to give you a synopsis of the website, why it was created, and what's going on with it, and what my future plans are with it. I created the website probably six, seven years ago, with the sole intent to help other people try to understand other ideas, to embrace possibilities, to talk about them, to throw ideas out there and communicate amongst ourselves, throw out hypotheticals, things maybe people didn't understand or didn't think of right away, and that was the sole purpose of me designing this website.
Main Stream Media & Movies
Hope you're all doing well. I'm going to call this podcast, mainstream media and the movies because they kind of work hand in hand. But movies, the junk that we have on television, I would like you all to start becoming aware of what you're seeing and what's really being put out there.
MoreMoney Root of all Evil
Money what is it really? Does it really exist? I say no in reality money is something with no backing, ie gold. It is generated from paper and when it goes into your bank it only exists as a 1 or 0 in a computer. One push of the button(or wrong button) and its all gone, never existed then what?
MoreWhat is Casting?
Here's the scenario your in a restaurant and your friend introduces you to someone new. What typically is the first "ice Breaking" question out of our mouth's???
More..What do you do?
Who really cares and here's why. We typically ask that question so we can cast someone based on their position.
What is Duality?
Okay, let's discuss duality. What is duality. Well, it definitely is a man made construct... duality is the principle of up and down, left and right. Yes and no. Plus or minus. Good and Evil, etc etc etc. , you get the idea. Everything in society is dualistic welll almost anyway. It's either one or the other, you only have two choices.Is this totally true
But the word entitlement means it's something they're giving you so they can just as easily turn around and take that something away, and they want to today. So there's a real problem with the term entitlements, Medicare, Medicaid, most of us spend our entire lives, paying for high priced health insurance.
But today I want to talk about one section in particular. And that section being the control structure of addictions, what they're set up for, what they're designed for that I believe, and what their purposes. There's all kinds of addictions. And I want to speak today about just a few of them. I want to speak about the nicotine addiction was cigarettes, the alcohol addiction and the opioid heroin addiction.
MoreWhy is there Suffering?
This podcast is going to be about the idea that we've all struggled with our entire life. Why is there suffering, why is their disease. Why are they there these bad things have happened. And I don't want to sound too cold or too callous with my answer. But if you think about it for a bit. And you ponder on it. You see the idea behind this, or the sense in it.
MoreDarkness & Evil
But I'd like to distinguish what evil is, or the devil, as we've always been taught our whole life. When you hear the word evil, or the devil, The first thing that comes to mind is big horns, Red, Pitchfork, and steals your soul. You know what we've been taught as a kid, Even though we've been taught through religion.
MoreKnight in Shining Armor Syndrome
The knight in shining armor syndrome, knight in shining armor syndrome will explain that in a minute. It's for people like myself, who have definitively without a shadow of a doubt. Born and raised and have abandonment issues. In other words, you were in a home as a child, in which you felt abandoned, there was no love.
MoreMy thoughts about Christmas
And just looking at the beauty of nature. Anyways, you might hear a little bit of background noise. That's what's going on it. This one's going to be about Christ mass. Christmas. I was walking, thinking about Christmas, which is coming up in a month and a half or a few months, whether or not I'm going to put up my Christmas tree.